EARMA Conference Odense 2024


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Challenges: recruitment+training+retention of RM

Challenges in the recruitment, training and retention of research managers in ISGlobal

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Elena Esteban

The Grants Office has been in continuous evolution since its creation. This evolution and changes has a rationale behind it, especially linked to the growth of the institution.
Before 2021 the personnel turnover was minimal. But in 2021 things changed.
And we want to analyze the reasons behind.

Connecting professional groups and functions

Going beyond borders of our function and professional group and connecting support in education with research support and even with everyone else in the university context

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Susi Poli

Equipping staff with intercultural preparation for International meetings. How to activate people’s engagement in the workplace through preparation and intercultural exchange? How can education connect with research and with any other university function to benefit today’s universities?

Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI)

Fostering Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI) in Research Management: engaging with a EARMA’s new Thematic Group

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Andreja Zulim de Swarte

Discover the transformative power of Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI) in research management. Join our thematic group, where we explore ECDI's impact on mental health and wellbeing and share best practices for creating a diverse and inclusive academic environment.

Putting the R in RMA

Putting the R in RMA: Is the RMA also a researcher?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Chris Flinterman

RMAs support academics and their research. But what is the actual connection between RMAs and research, and do they do research themselves?

RM@unibo: facing the increasing complexity

RM@unibo: facing the increasing complexity of the research management in a strategic perspective and in the everyday life

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Paola Ragazzini

Research management coordination solutions at the University of Bologna, a research-intensive university, to tackle challenges and maximize opportunities in a context of increasing complexity related to changing research management models and to new initiatives such as the European University Allian

RMA and strategic awards - a blessing or a curse?

Dilemmas of being research administrative manager and next career steps.

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Arina Shadrikova

We reflect the experience of research administration in strategic awards (large grants with annual funding more than 1 million EUR and with duration of 10 years) and dilemmas inflicted upon RMAs in Norway.

An RMA Odyssey: Could a swim duck?

A day in the life of the research administrator, Leopold Bloom

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Jan Andersen

This session uses one of the worlds most challenging book, Ulysses, to view and discuss a day in the life of a research administrator. The mindboggling people he meets on his way and his endeavor to successfully deliver a proposal. All in the package of a surprising language that you also meet.

Broad professional and artificial

How can AI play a role in broadening and professionalising Research Management

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Erlend Aano

Discover how AI could be a tool for Research Managers, aiding them in elevating their role from supportive aid to peer partner, fostering professionalisation, and transforming the future of this vital profession.

CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers

CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers (RM1 to RM4)

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Mary Kate O'Regan

Action 17-Pact for Research “Enhancing the strategic capacity of Europe’s public research performing and funding organisations” creates a mechanism to introduce a framework for empowering career architecture for Research Manager Careers. This is a revolutionary Framework inclusive of progression!

Establishing an RMA professional development speci

Establishing an RMA professional development special interest group and framework

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Dr. Julia Thidamarth Vilstrup Mouatt

Learnings so far from establishing an RMA professional development special interest group which will develop an induction experience for new RMA staff and develop an RMA capabilities framework.

Mastering RMA: A Dual Journey Through STEM and SSH

Mastering RMA: A Dual Journey Through STEM and SSH

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Ms Joanna Kartasiewicz

The session features the RMA role in STEM and SSH, highlighting insights and practical takeaways from experiences in these two distinct academic domains.

Onboarding new research administrators

Onboarding new research administrators: how to enable and monitor the knowledge transfer

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Francois Sprumont

We will address knowledge transfer and onboarding of new research administrators within the Sciences Faculty at the University of Luxembourg. Approaches are tested to make our new colleagues, often directly coming from academia and with limited experience in administration, independent rapidly.

Public affairs new EU framework programme affairs

Public affairs: the new EU framework programme affairs as a practical example

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Willem Wolters

External funds are essential for many universities. It is important to know which funds to consider and how to use them successfully. Public affairs activities can help to do so. This presentation takes the new framework programme as an example in a very practical way.

RMA Foresight Competences in the Era of AI


Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Hanna-Greta Puurtinen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing work, and the Research Management and Administration (RMA) professions do not remain untouched in this tremendous change.

RMA Responsibilities, Skills, and Job Satisfaction

Identifying Responsibilities, Skills, Job Satisfaction, and Success Levels of RMAs in Türkiye

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Saban Caytas

Based on elite interviews and surveys with the RMA professionals in Türkiye, this presentation aims to identify a comprehensive list of RMA responsibilities and skills and explore the interface between these responsibilities, skills, and job satisfaction levels of RMAs in Türkiye.

RMA profession: past, present, what’s next?

RMA transversal roles: past, present, what’s next? A review of the literature and practical cases.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

PhD Silvia Fittipaldi

The RMAs profession has showed a high rate of change during the last decades and RM has transformed from a primarily administrative function to a multidisciplinary profession. However, a definition of the role is far from universal, leading to a fragmented professional development.

Research assessment system in practice

Research assessment system in Centre for Social Sciences: evaluation, motivation, utilization

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Veronika Tamás

Introduction of the main features, introduction and reception of a research assessment system that has been in operation at Centre for Social Sciences since 2013 showing how the evaluation system can orient the activities of researchers.

The contribution of RMAs to identity & profession

The contribution of RMAs to their collective identity and to the advancement of the profession

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Patrizia Rampioni

How do RMAs contribute to the creation and sharing of knowledge in their workplaces and communities, relevant to the advancement of their collective professional identity?

Transforming RMAs into Impact Agents

Transforming Research Managers and Administrators into Impact Agents: A Strategic Imperative for Horizon Europe Projects

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Harald Hasler-sheetal

This presentation will explore the evolving role of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) in navigating "pathways to impact from proposal to “real world impact”." We will offer actionable steps, case studies, and future training scenarios to help RMAs transform into indispensable "Impact Agent

A Sabbatical in Research Management USA-CH

A Sabbatical in Research Management

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Karl Kerschbaum

Results, experiences and learnings from three months Sabbatical Stay in Research Management from ETH Zürich (Switzerland) to Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (California)

Blueprint for Growth

Blueprint for Growth: The SRAI Professional Development Framework Journey

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Evan Roberts

In this session we delve into Society of Research Administrators International's (SRAI) ambitious project to establish a Professional Development Framework tailored for research administrators. This interactive session will spotlight crucial aspects of the initiative, from planning to deployment,

Future Roles in Research Management

Future Roles in Research Management: Predicting the Future

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Debra Schaller-Demers

RMA roles have changed or been created as research itself changes. As we enter a period characterised by increased complexity it is certain that RMA roles themselves will change and new roles emerge. This talk will look at evolution of past RMA roles and predict what new roles will or could develop

Boosting Early-Career Research in Strategic Areas

Seed Projects: Boosting Innovative and Original Ideas of Early-Career Researchers

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Shiva Saadatian

SeedProjects@UC is a university-wide initiative to fund scientific research proposed by early-career researchers in strategic areas. It aims to provide funding and support for interdisciplinary original ideas and opportunities for proof of concept, which then lead to groundbreaking R&D projects.

How to best support Early-Stage Career Researchers

How to best support Early-Stage Career Researchers?

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Natacha Leite

In this Pecha Kucha we will tell you about the support that we, a pre-award team of 5 research advisors at the University of Coimbra (UC) in Portugal, have been crafting for early career researchers.

Institutional Staff Development Schemes at HUN-REN

A vision on international development of research staff at HUN-REN by introducing new schemes within institutional administration

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Dr Miklos Gyorffi

HUN-REN (previously ELKH) started its activity in 2019, following which a gradual development of institutional structures and staff management was envisaged in order to enhance the efficciency of research activity and achieve a better embedment into European structures and procedures.

Research Managers' roles in Portugal

Research Managers' roles in Portugal: Are they prepared for the future?

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Ana Santos-Carvalho

Research Managers' and Administrators' roles and tasks go far beyond what is written on their contracts. The exact roles and the extension of the time dedicated to each role/task are not well known. To understand the reality of the RMA roles/tasks in Portugal, a questionnaire was launched.


Organizational evolution plan "CODE PLAN" at ISGlobal, Barcelona

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Maria Jose Merino

Defining an evolving organization able to adapting to the new challenges and to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary answer to the scientific questions Through the organizational architecture, the culture of the institution and focused on people and teams.

The cross-cutting for the RM in medical field

The cross-cutting aspects of research in the medical field that enrich the role of the RM

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Carolina Vallecilla

In this abstract we would like to illustrate the challenges that Research Managers at the University of Bologna have encountered while managing projects related to the medical field and how these cross-cutting aspects enrich the career of the RM

Better together

Better together: Building a RM community to survive in the “research jungle”

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Lorenza Maluccelli

Research Support Ecosystem at the UNIBO consists of a centre-periphery model, with a central structure providing specialized consulting to departmental RM staff. In such complex scenario, RM community is fostering the growth of a piloting network where professional development is in the spotlight.

Cultivating the Projects Unit talent

Cultivating the Projects Unit talent: Institutional Strategy and Career Development in Sync.

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Joana Porcel

The career development of the Projects Unit team (research managers and administrators) is a core element of the Unit's strategy, which in turn is aligned with the overall institutional strategy.

ERA-wide landscape of Research Management

Our journey to create a common definition, terminology, categorisation, professional development and skill matrixes at the European Level in RM ROADMAP

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Virág Zsár

The poster aims to provide an overview on the current state-of-the-art of the profession of Research Management (RM) within the European Research Area (ERA). The investigation is being carried out in the frame of the project RM ROADMAP to enhance awareness and recognition of the profession.

Evolution of RM profiles in ISGlobal

Evolution of Research Managers profiles in ISGlobal

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Elena Esteban

ISGlobal has been in continuous evolution and growth since its creation. As a result of this growth, the Projects Unit has grown in terms of FTE but not only in the total number of personnel but also in the different profiles, turning in more specialized people who are managing research


The Journal of Research Management and Administration

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

José Santos

JoRMA is an international peer-reviewed journal aimed at those interested in the management of research in any sector or organisation. We publish articles, essays, and papers covering all aspects of research management and administration. It is a diamond open access (free to publish & read) journal

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

MSc. Fleur Vermeulen-Duijndam

The role of research managers has undergone transformation over the past few decades. We think that this role will evolve further. By surveying and interviewing TU Delft research managers, we explore how they perceive the changes ahead, and predict how these changes will impact their future.

RM opportunities across Europe

Professional development opportunities for Research Managers across Europe

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Oliveira

RM Roadmap's initial findings outline professional development opportunities for Research Managers in Europe, categorized into five main areas: Training, Mobility, Networking, Funding, and RM Networks.

RMA Comprehensive training plan

A Comprehensive training in European R&I Poject’s Management in Catalonia

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Borras

A visual presentation of a comprehensive training plan for European projects' management. Designed by RPOs and RFOs to strengthen the management capacity of Catalan institutions. Addressed to candidates with short experience as RMA, who can choose their own learning pathway.