EARMA Conference Odense 2024


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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for RMA

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for RMA: A Game-Changing Approach or Mambo-Jambo?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Yoram Lev Yehudi

What's not: "This session offers attendees a holistic view of AI's potential in RMA, equipping them with knowledge, best practices, and a blueprint for AI incorporation in their institutions, aiming for progress and efficacy in research management." Instead, it will be interesting to conclude.

Post-Award Contracts v Permanency

Working as a Post-Award Research Manager - Contracts v Permanency - How does your institution do it??

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Aoife Brady

As a Post-Award Project Manager - are you a permanent member of a Research Development Team in your institution or are you contracted to work on specific projects? We would like to hear about the different operating models out there and work out what works best for everyone!

Project Submission is a losing game?

Losing Game – Project Submission is a losing game or can we take something out?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Fernando Borges

Only approved projects are worth it or can we have value in rejected project submissions? Is it possible to have indicators (KPI) for rejected project submissions?

Putting the R in RMA

Putting the R in RMA: Is the RMA also a researcher?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Chris Flinterman

RMAs support academics and their research. But what is the actual connection between RMAs and research, and do they do research themselves?

Shaping collaboration in RMA for Citizen Science

Does citizen science require a new approach in RMA to ensure better support?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Open Science

Dr. Floor Keersmaekers

How can we collaborate in RMA to promote a culture that allows citizen science to be more frequently embedded in project proposals? What is the ideal approach for the exchange of expertise and an efficient workflow within RMA, in order to optimalize citizen science support at RPO's?

Data's Vital Role: Driving Innovation & progress

Unlocking Insights and Innovation: The Strategic Importance of Data in the Digital Age

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Eng. Maleka Bin Tarsh

Explore data's strategic role in decisions, innovation, and research. Learn its ethical use, governance, and impact on industries, paving the way for a data-powered future.

Democratisation of lobbying

Democratisation of Lobbying: Evolution of the Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Policy Landscape in Brussels

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Operations and Planning

Massimo Busuoli

In the dynamic landscape of Brussels' higher education and R&I sectors, the practice of lobbying has undergone a profound transformation over the past two decades following the evolution of the system. This transformation will be analysed together with the related evolution of lobbying approaches..

Getting Ready for Framework 10

How the period 2024-2028 will shape the next European Research Programme

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Leadership

Sylvia McCarthy

This presentation provides a roadmap for the development of Framework 10 from 2024 to 2028. For RMAs, this will act as a guideline on how to monitor the progress of Framework 10.

RMA profession: past, present, what’s next?

RMA transversal roles: past, present, what’s next? A review of the literature and practical cases.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

PhD Silvia Fittipaldi

The RMAs profession has showed a high rate of change during the last decades and RM has transformed from a primarily administrative function to a multidisciplinary profession. However, a definition of the role is far from universal, leading to a fragmented professional development.

Research impact: Diverse skills and peer learning

The Importance of Peer Learning in the Evolution of the Impact Professional

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Dr Gabriella Arrigoni

Diverse knowledges, soft skills and interdisciplinarity for research impact hybrid professional identities

The contribution of RMAs to identity & profession

The contribution of RMAs to their collective identity and to the advancement of the profession

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Patrizia Rampioni

How do RMAs contribute to the creation and sharing of knowledge in their workplaces and communities, relevant to the advancement of their collective professional identity?

Transforming RMAs into Impact Agents

Transforming Research Managers and Administrators into Impact Agents: A Strategic Imperative for Horizon Europe Projects

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Harald Hasler-sheetal

This presentation will explore the evolving role of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) in navigating "pathways to impact from proposal to “real world impact”." We will offer actionable steps, case studies, and future training scenarios to help RMAs transform into indispensable "Impact Agent

Global perspectives on research management

Global perspectives on research management: How increased international collaboration is changing the RMA landscape

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Una Farr

This interactive session explores the ways the landscape of research management is changing, and how increased levels of international collaboration are impacting the RMA role. Panellists will discuss emerging trends, reflect on their experiences, and share predictions for the next 5-10 years.

Lateral Leadership and Learning Strategies

How RMA drive change through lateral Leadership

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Leadership

Nicolas Schulthess

RMA offices are critical for the functioning of a successful research university. This session will address how individuals in those offices can be a catalyst to driving change and new policy outside standard management line into the department to create a robust and successful research ecosystem.

Purpose-driven people

Purpose-driven people: creating a culture of impact

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Leadership

Sapna Marwaha

Impact is often used as a tool to justify our existence and prove our value to external stakeholders like government bodies and funders. But it has the potential to be so much more than just a tool for research evaluation. It has the potential to connect us to our purpose and drive us forward.

With each brick laid, a path to achievement is paved.

Project office of Tomorrow: Catalyst for collaboration and success

Format: Poster

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Operations and Planning

Primož Petek

The Slovenian Forestry Institute is a public research institution specialized in the research of forests and environmental aspects. It intends to establish a project office with funding from the project "Collaboration for Strengthening the Performance of Project Offices (SKUPP)," co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the European Union - NextGenerationEU. . The essence of the project office at the institute is to ensure the efficient implementation and management of projects, fostering collaboration and enhancing the overall success of the institute's research activities, with a specific focus on increasing success in applications and execution of projects at the European Union level.

Due to the diversity of funding sources and the need for effective project implementation, the Slovenian Forestry Institute is opting to establish project offices, creating a supportive environment. The institute's funding encompasses resources from the national budget for basic research activities, project funds from national and European sources (e.g., the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation), and funds derived from commercial activities, such as consulting, education, and services, based on their expertise in forestry and the environment. The project office will be crucial for efficient project management and optimal utilization of various financial resources.