EARMA Conference Odense 2024


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Generative AI for RMA

Experiences with the use of Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, in everyday work for RMA

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Mario Mueller

The Charles University of Prague strongly supports the use of ChatGPT for researchers and support staff. As a member of the COIMBRA Group it shared it’s experiences in a hands-on workshop with RSOs of the other universities. Here we come together to discuss and exchange our experiences with you.

Bridging Borders and Funding Frontiers

Perspectives on Research Funding Support and International Research Collaboration

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Case Study

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Patricia Gigliuto

This presentation by the University of Melbourne will focus on the different (and sometimes competing!) perspectives of five important stakeholders involved in international research collaboration: the faculties, the central research offices, Chancellery, the funder and the researcher.

FORTRAMA – experiences founding the German ARMA

FORTRAMA – experiences with the foundation of the German ARMA

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Meike Dlaboha

With this workshop we want to report on our experiences with the foundation of the German ARMA association and hope to encourage some other countries to found own ARMAs.

Patient-Centered Innovation in EU funded projects

Patient-Centered Innovation in Clinical Trials funded by the EDCTP and other EU calls.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Lilit Manukyan

Enhancing clinical trials by involving patients throughout the journey leads to improved outcomes and patient experiences. Explore the innovative approach of 'beyond the pill' and the significance of patient engagement in EDCTP and other EU calls.

TU-NET: A Strategic Alliance for Open Research

Libraries and Research-associated Offices Collaborating to Support Open Research

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Frances Madden

Ireland's five new technological universities have formed an alliance to support the transition to an open research environment. Since summer 2022, with no funding or external support, the network has launched a joint statement on open research and a shared repository, which showcases their combined

Where are all the Black PIs?

Lesson from a UK project to support more African-heritage researchers to lead STEM research

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Case Study

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Saskia Walcott

A review by a UK research council revealed no Black PIs had been awarded funding for nearly a decade. A small but ambitious pilot project led by Bristol University set out to change this by creating a network of black scholars. This poster will present the insights and lessons learned

ERC 2024 - Is it a new game?

The ERC 2024 changes - Are they just cosmetic or entirely changing the grant?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Mr Yoram Bar-zeev

The recently published 2024 ERC work programme presented some changes to this prestigious grant. Some of these changes are technical, while others might be more dramatic, with the potential to change the grant’s nature. This session will present and discuss the implications of these changes.

Can EDI enhance the job of R&I lobbyists?

Should we lobby and influence policy on EDI? If so, how? Can EDI help us to improve our job? Policy and lobbying in the EDI space.

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Ignasi Salvado

Research organizations influence research policy, but when it comes to EDI, they let new initiatives from funders happen. This Pecha Kucha opens the discussion and aims at collecting ideas on and best practices on how EDI could really help lobbyists to enhance their job and increase their impact.

Stepping stones to Europe

Adding value inspired by design thinking

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Hege Taarud

Who has not experienced submitting project proposals poorly prepared! So; how can we, as RMA, help the proposers to develop the project idea? Our ambition is to offer workshops where we explore and work with the development of project proposals. The process to be facilitated using recognized tools.

#DiscussAI National Conversation on AI

#DiscussAI: Learnings from a National Conversation on Artificial Intelligence

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Dr Emma Clarke

This poster will take the example of #DiscussAI, the overarching identity implemented to oversee a national conversation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Ireland.

AI Uptake in Research Management: A Year in Review

Assessing the Evolution of AI Tool Adoption in Research Management: A Comparative Study Between EARMA 2023 and EARMA 2024

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Alexander Dernild

In 2023, SDU RIO's EARMA poster revealed limited AI use among research managers. This year, we revisit these findings with a hybrid poster, aiming to capture any changes in AI adoption. Our 2024 poster will include real-time digital data collection for immediate analysis.

AI-Enhanced Funding Strategies for Horizon Europe

Enhancing Research Funding Acquisition: AI-Driven Strategies for Horizon Europe Opportunities at the University for Continuing Education Krems

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Isolde Halmer

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria, we assessed Horizon Europe funding strategies in 2022/2023. To aid researchers, an AI tool will extract keywords from databases and suggest suitable calls for efficient proposal planning.

Arriving at the Starting Line

Your transition into Project Management - a Guide

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Jake Reardon

Many project managers 'fall' into their position, coming from a variety of backgrounds. Here, we compile resources for getting started so you can begin the project race equipped with tools for success.

Better together

Better together: Building a RM community to survive in the “research jungle”

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Lorenza Maluccelli

Research Support Ecosystem at the UNIBO consists of a centre-periphery model, with a central structure providing specialized consulting to departmental RM staff. In such complex scenario, RM community is fostering the growth of a piloting network where professional development is in the spotlight.

Building systematic proposal preparation process

Case experience of pre-award support for a coordinated Horizon Europe proposal

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Hanna Piironen

Relevant EU funding calls should be identified even years before, but researchers are busy. How to overcome the challenge of preparing ahead? Focusing on a recent coordinated proposal case, we present the pre-award process facilitating a more systematic approach to applying Horizon Europe funding.

Creating sustainability plans: where to start?

Simplified procedures to identify a portfolio of results for dissemination and exploitation at early stages of a project.

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Dr Liliana Avila Ospina

The design of a ustainability plan to ensure the continuation of activities after the end of a project funding is essential. Establishing a working group, defining the strategy, milestones, meeting schedule as well as settling the principles on how to work are essential to carry out this activity.

Cultivating the Projects Unit talent

Cultivating the Projects Unit talent: Institutional Strategy and Career Development in Sync.

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Joana Porcel

The career development of the Projects Unit team (research managers and administrators) is a core element of the Unit's strategy, which in turn is aligned with the overall institutional strategy.

EDI and the Research Support Office - a model

A practical model for how Research Support Offices can understand and implement diversity and internationalisation

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Operations and Planning

Jakob Feldtfos Christensen

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and internationalisation are complex matters, and the RSO won’t be responsible for how their organisations engage with all these complexities and challenges. This poster presents a model for how RSOs can approach the topic in a structured way step by step.

ERA-wide landscape of Research Management

Our journey to create a common definition, terminology, categorisation, professional development and skill matrixes at the European Level in RM ROADMAP

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Virág Zsár

The poster aims to provide an overview on the current state-of-the-art of the profession of Research Management (RM) within the European Research Area (ERA). The investigation is being carried out in the frame of the project RM ROADMAP to enhance awareness and recognition of the profession.

EUROLIFE: experiences from a EU university network

EUROLIFE: sharing >20 years of experiences with a collaborative network of European universities in life sciences and the role of RMA’s in such an alliance

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Pieter de Koning

The presenters will share their experiences with stimulating >20 years of European collaboration between 9 partner universities, covering the activities / successes, the organizational structure and the role of RMA’s in such a network.

Empowering Patient Participation in Basic Research

Empowering Patient Participation: Challenges and Strategies in Basic Research

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Open Science

Christopher Kruger

Meaningfully engaging patients throughout a project’s lifespan is a large challenge. We want to showcase the struggles, strategies, and successes from the patient advisory board (PAB) of the iPSpine project, early stage research aiming to develop a new therapy for chronic lower back pain

Empowering citizen scientists in mental health

Deciding with you, not for you: empowering young people as citizen scientists in youth mental health research

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Carolina Vieira

In mental health, trust and open dialogue are vital for citizen-researcher collaboration; however, empowering young people as citizen scientists in this field presents unique challenges. In this poster, we present Youth-GEMS' best practices for citizen science within mental health research.

Entrepreneurship collaboration projects.

Entrepreneurship collaboration projects with companies and authorities in Estonian Maritime Academy.

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Kristel Rauk

Collaboration projects with companies and authorities in maritime sector are highly important. Especially as Estonia is a small country, all contacts and links are vital to the industy. Adminsitrative process in university, challanges, lifecycle and how we can improve current procedures. Case study

Ethics in Grants Applications: Tools for Research

Ethics in Grants Applications: Tools for Research

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Vania Rosas

Research projects now emphasize ethics in grant applications, especially in human research, data collection, animal experiments, international collaborations, environmental impact, and civil applications. A poster presents tools from Institut Pasteur Paris to aid Research Managers and Administrators

Evolution of RM profiles in ISGlobal

Evolution of Research Managers profiles in ISGlobal

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Elena Esteban

ISGlobal has been in continuous evolution and growth since its creation. As a result of this growth, the Projects Unit has grown in terms of FTE but not only in the total number of personnel but also in the different profiles, turning in more specialized people who are managing research

Female leadership in research and higher education

Female leadership in research and higher education institutions in Portugal: the case of the University of Beira Interior

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Leadership

Professor Sílvia Cristina da Cruz Marques Socorro

This study presents the scenario of female leadership in research and higher education institutions. Women status in managing research, leading scientific projects, being editors and reviewers in international journals or having duties as corresponding author will be depicted.

GEMSTONE:Enhancing Research Support Services

Towards European Integration in Research Management

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Melike Sahiner

Enhancing Research Support Services through Mapping Exercise

Gender Equality in Research Governance of IRCCS

Improving gender equality in the Research Governance of Italian Research Hospitals

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Giulia Mollica

Research Governance promotes by RMAs must support gender equality policies. RMAs of IRCCS hospitals have to explore the state of art of the cultural and educational path in line with European regulations and they have to monitor improvement and to set future priorities and goals.

Getting Bang for Your Buck at Pre-Award

Getting Bang for Your Buck at Pre-Award: New Practices and Tools for Proactive Awareness Raising

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Dr Luke John Murphy

The funding world is a jungle of possibilities, and there is no consensus on best practices to connect researchers to funding opportunities. Our poster outlines DTI’s awareness raising processes, aiming to start a conversation with EARMA delegates and raise the bar across the profession.

How to empower would-be Scientrepreneurs

Increase Entrepreneurial awareness among academics - a Research Department Perspective

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Mathieu Seyfrid

In accordance with ERA’s Policy Agenda 2022-2024, we aim to encourage knowledge valorisation, notably through leverage of the commercial potential of scientific achievements. This, notably by training scientists to adopt an Entrepreneurial spirit and detect market opportunities.

How to motivate researchers to go European?

How to motivate researchers to apply for European funding?

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Dagmar Vaclavikova

Presentation of analysis comparing Czech national and European grant schemes in terms of the success rate of applicants and volume of funding. Results will be used to develop an incentive scheme to motivate researchers at Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University to apply more for European funding.

Implementing CoARA in UAS

Implementing CoARA in Universities of Applied Sciences: Case Haaga-Helia UAS

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Leadership

Hanna Timonen

This poster presents CoARA implementation in one UAS from Finland. It shows how the CoARA agreement can be implemented in research organisations where innovation and development activities play an important role, thus providing an example on how to valorise diverse research activities and outputs.

Insights into DEI in the global research community


Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Operations and Planning

Una Farr

This poster summarises the key findings from a review of diversity, equity and inclusion in the global research community, including: the barriers and challenges to greater DEI, researcher perceptions on DEI initiatives, and the role of institutions.

It’s time for researchers to meet Citizen Science!

Institutional changes to embed Citizen Science in RPOs: the case of UniSR as an Implementer partner of the European project TIME4CS

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Open Science

Federica Prete

The Horizon2020 "TIME4CS" project focuses on facilitating the organisational transformation needed to support CS in RPOs.


The Journal of Research Management and Administration

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Professional and Career Development

José Santos

JoRMA is an international peer-reviewed journal aimed at those interested in the management of research in any sector or organisation. We publish articles, essays, and papers covering all aspects of research management and administration. It is a diamond open access (free to publish & read) journal

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

MSc. Fleur Vermeulen-Duijndam

The role of research managers has undergone transformation over the past few decades. We think that this role will evolve further. By surveying and interviewing TU Delft research managers, we explore how they perceive the changes ahead, and predict how these changes will impact their future.

Multi-institutional research management

Navigating multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research management: The iCRAG experience

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Francesca Martini

Challenges and successes in multi-institutional and multidisciplinary research management: the experience of a Research Centre Operations Team

Postdoc policy - lessons learned

Implementation of the Postdoc policy in University medical centre - challenges and successes

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dagmar Eleveld-Trancikova

Developing and implementing postdoc policy in University medical centre involves multiple stakeholders, including academics, HR, finance, and department heads requiring a scale of competences for RMA. We will discuss best practices, pitfalls, and necessary skills in the presentation.

RIS Synergy Data Flows

How to model data exchange across different research information systems

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Ulrike Hicker

The RIS Synergy project creates standardised open-access interfaces between the research information systems of funding organisations, research institutions and the public administration. The poster details data flows of the interfaces realised in RIS Synergy along the entire research life cycle.

RM opportunities across Europe

Professional development opportunities for Research Managers across Europe

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Oliveira

RM Roadmap's initial findings outline professional development opportunities for Research Managers in Europe, categorized into five main areas: Training, Mobility, Networking, Funding, and RM Networks.

RMA Comprehensive training plan

A Comprehensive training in European R&I Poject’s Management in Catalonia

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Borras

A visual presentation of a comprehensive training plan for European projects' management. Designed by RPOs and RFOs to strengthen the management capacity of Catalan institutions. Addressed to candidates with short experience as RMA, who can choose their own learning pathway.

SDUpro and Power BI

How to display the external economy at NAT, SDU

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Open Science

Mrs Hanne Mortensen

My work is to take care of a database where all applications for funding as well as grants are registered. With my poster I show with Power BI it is easy to show how much money each institute has received from with funders.

SOILBIO: CSIC's Global Soil Research Initiative

SOILBIO: Advancing Sustainability and Global Collaboration across Interdisciplinary Soil Research Groups at CSIC

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Operations and Planning

Rocio Perez Maseres

SOILBIO, CSIC's initiative, unites soil science groups in Spain, enhancing collaboration and funding, bridging academia-industry connections. Despite challenges, it's committed to global soil research excellence. Poster presentation outlines its path.

Small steps, big goals

Small steps, big goals - Reshaping the structure of Project centre at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Format: Poster

Category: Other

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Peter Cuninka

CEPSIT – Center for European Projects, Cooperation, Innovation and Tech Transfer is a new structure uniting Project centre, Technology Incubator and Tech Transfer office under one roof in the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. In this poster we will present the long road to CEPSIT.

Spotlight on Research Equipment and Facilities

Evaluate and showcase your institutional Research Infrastructure investments

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Mr. Alberto Zigoni

Research Infrastructures (RIs) are vital inputs for innovation and talent attraction, yet proving their impact is challenging. Our AI-driven approach helps institutions manage RI data and demonstrate their research contribution. Explore Elsevier's Equipment Monitor service in this poster.

The CHC Grant Management Team at Helmholtz Munich

The Computational Health Center Grant Management Team at Helmholtz Munich

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr. Alexander Coleman

We recently built a new, department-oriented grant management team, and would like to network with other science managers working on similar topics across Europe

The Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Impact Model

Planning and evaluating the impact of collaborative research: The OIS Impact Model

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti

The OIS Impact Model is a tool which can be used to plan, communicate and assess the outcomes of active citizen involvement in collaborative research regarding changes in personal awareness and competencies, behaviours and life circumstances of all those involved.

The role of the Experimental Coordinator

Harnessing the Potential of Experimental Infrastructure in Research Projects

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Anna Fenelon

Individual Research projects and their host organisations invest heavily in state of the art experimental infrastructure throughout the life cycle of a research project. The role of an Experimentation Infrastructure Coordinator can build and leverage this capacity across an organisation.

Turning Research into an Awarded Proposal

Navigating Success: Preparing and submitting a successful proposal for a catalan prize call for a patented instrument from the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Operations and Planning

Eulalia Pujades-Otero

The NANOPTO research group at ICMAB presented the project "SOLS” to the Catalan Efficiency cluster call. This successful case can be directly related to the field of RMA and it demonstrates the critical role that RMA plays in facilitating and supporting research initiatives within a research group.

Twinning for RMAs career development

Twinning and its potential for RMAs career development: Case study based on the CANVAS project

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Izabela Raszczyk

The presentation will outline the approach of the EU-funded Twinning project "Enhancing Cancer Vaccine Science for New Therapy Pathways" (CANVAS) conducted in the frame of the Twinning call of Horizon Europe with regard to exchange of good practice and improvement of research mgt skills.

United to boost regional international research

Beyond GO_HERO: positioning the Catalan regions of Girona-Tarragona-Lleida in the European Biomedical landscape. The internationalization process of 3 biomedical institutes: IDIBGI, IISPV & IRBLleida.

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Esther Aguilar

In 2019, IDIBGI, IISPV and IRBLleida joined efforts to become benchmarks in their strategic international research areas, allowing staff professionalization and increasing the competitiveness of their research thanks to the GO_HERO project. Now, a quantum leap is expected through the Beyond GO_HERO.

Visual time & strategy project planning

How to visually represent a proposal drafting in terms of structure and time

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Erica Lavagno

This poster provides a reference method for activity deployment during the proposal preparation: (1) administrative activities, (2) writing aspects, (3) budgeting issues, (4) consortium management; to strategically sketch a project idea and meet the proposal submission deadline in time.

With each brick laid, a path to achievement is paved.

Project office of Tomorrow: Catalyst for collaboration and success

Format: Poster

Category: 2. Theoretical

Topic: Operations and Planning

Primož Petek

The Slovenian Forestry Institute is a public research institution specialized in the research of forests and environmental aspects. It intends to establish a project office with funding from the project "Collaboration for Strengthening the Performance of Project Offices (SKUPP)," co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the European Union - NextGenerationEU. . The essence of the project office at the institute is to ensure the efficient implementation and management of projects, fostering collaboration and enhancing the overall success of the institute's research activities, with a specific focus on increasing success in applications and execution of projects at the European Union level.

Due to the diversity of funding sources and the need for effective project implementation, the Slovenian Forestry Institute is opting to establish project offices, creating a supportive environment. The institute's funding encompasses resources from the national budget for basic research activities, project funds from national and European sources (e.g., the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation), and funds derived from commercial activities, such as consulting, education, and services, based on their expertise in forestry and the environment. The project office will be crucial for efficient project management and optimal utilization of various financial resources.

‘Is it worth it?’

Learnings from a managed MSCA PF process

Format: Poster

Category: Case Study

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Monica Lechea

Since 2021, the Research Development Team (RTD) in the ADAPT Centre has been running a managed MSCA PF process to recruit and train applicants, with a view to increasing application numbers and influencing the success rate of proposals. While an informal reflection of the process was carried out pos