EARMA Conference Odense 2024


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Achieving Horizon project collaboration excellene

Achieving Horizon Europe Collaboration Excellence: Project Management Best Practices for Project Coordinators and Consortia

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Mr Olav Veldhuizen

In this session we will discuss some key strategies and best practices to attain collaboration excellence: from a clear and concise Consortium Agreement , fostering open communication, to effective tools for monitoring and progress and assess the project's success.

Addressing Impact in bottom-up grants


Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Karina Kössler

This discussion table aims at peer-to-peer exchange about how to best support researchers with impact in bottom-up funding schemes, such as MSCA.

Bound to happen

Bound to happen: how can organisations help PMs balance boundaries and responsibilities

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Geerte Slappendel

How can organizations and RSOs support project managers in maintaining boundaries and containing risk while balancing the interests of coordinator, project, funder, organization and their own mental health?

Challenges Faced by Grants Offices: Lessons Learne

Challenges Faced by Grants Offices: Lessons Learned for Success

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership


The challenges faced by Grants Offices require a multifaceted approach to success. At Institut Pasteur, our Grants Office has continually evolved to meet these challenges head-on. We look forward to sharing these insights with the RMA community.

Connecting professional groups and functions

Going beyond borders of our function and professional group and connecting support in education with research support and even with everyone else in the university context

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Susi Poli

Equipping staff with intercultural preparation for International meetings. How to activate people’s engagement in the workplace through preparation and intercultural exchange? How can education connect with research and with any other university function to benefit today’s universities?

Ethical Labyrinth of AI

Navigating the Ethical Labyrinth: The Role of AI in Research Support and Proposal Design

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

PhD. Lionel Jouvet

AI tools like ChatGPT offers exciting opportunities to automate tasks and improve proposal design. However, this innovation also brings ethical challenges. Our goal is to initiate a dialogue among professionals to discuss the ethical complexities of using AI in research management.

IT-enhanced human touch

On account manager approach to our profession in the AI-era

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Jakub Zeman

To what extent can AI supplant our role? If we define our profession as providing personalized and engaged services to individual scientists, who are our long-term clients, we must assess which aspects of our work can be replaced. However, should we not instead ask which aspects can be enhanced?

Open science restricted?

Sharing research results is often restricted by security issues, intellectual property, sensitivity or GDPR.

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Hilde Røysland

Open science is becoming “the new normal”. At the same time, aspects such as security, privacy, rights, and ethics provide principles for what can be shared openly. This leads to stating that research should be «as open as possible, as closed as necessary». How to address this contradiction?

Optimising outcomes and compliance with a RIMs

Optimising Research Activities and Compliance through RIMs: Data Quality, Open Access, and Large Language Models

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Thomas Gurney

Research Information Management systems (RIMs) are transitioning from post-capture tools to early-stage enhancers. As research dynamics evolve, utilizing RIMs and complementary technologies is vital for institutions to optimise research potential and meet emerging requirements.

RM@unibo: facing the increasing complexity

RM@unibo: facing the increasing complexity of the research management in a strategic perspective and in the everyday life

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Paola Ragazzini

Research management coordination solutions at the University of Bologna, a research-intensive university, to tackle challenges and maximize opportunities in a context of increasing complexity related to changing research management models and to new initiatives such as the European University Allian

RMA and strategic awards - a blessing or a curse?

Dilemmas of being research administrative manager and next career steps.

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Arina Shadrikova

We reflect the experience of research administration in strategic awards (large grants with annual funding more than 1 million EUR and with duration of 10 years) and dilemmas inflicted upon RMAs in Norway.

Risky business: Academic inclusion & espionage

Promoting academic inclusion in the era of industrial espionage

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Leiry Cornejo Chavez

We will discuss how to secure an inclusive academic environment, notwithstanding nationality or ethnicity, while trying to protect our scientific resources from the dangers of industrial espionage promoted by “risk countries”. We will focus on policies, strategies & practices and relevant actors.

Setting up a new Pre-Award Research Support office

Setting up a first Pre-Award Research Support office in a research institution – challenges and strategies

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr Vesna Bozanic

Experienced RMA, recently contracted in a research institution, gives a comprehensive overview of the main challenges and strategies for setting up a brand-new Research Support Office with Pre-Award services.

Stakeholder Prioritisation for Maximum Impact

How can we best approach stakeholder identification and prioritisation?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Laura Grehan

Effective stakeholder engagement strengthens research proposals and maximises research impact. This roundtable discussion addresses the who, what, when, where, why (and how!) of stakeholder identification and prioritisation.

Unlocking the Power of Global Collaboration

Unlocking the Power of Global Collaboration in Research: Challenges and Opportunities

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Mr Jace Carson

How do you solve global challenges without global research co-design and implementation? Funders increasingly support challenges requiring complex and transdisciplinary solutions. With New Zealand as the first Horizon Europe associated country in the Southern Hemisphere, international collaboration

Academia and industry project funding rounds

From academic projects to collaborative research with industry and back: experience from the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and the Alliance4Life consortium

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Prof. Maija Dambrova

Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and Alliance4Life consortium harnesses the academia and industry relations and paves the way for assimilation of industry management styles, thus enhancing the impact of research proposals and broadening research funding sources.

Balancing Roles: Managing Diverse Personalities

Balancing Roles: Managing Diverse Personalities in Research Administration

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Evan Roberts

In this dynamic 30-minute presentation, we will delve into the art of managing diverse personalities in research and research administration.

Citizen Science: from Hype to Hope to Harmony

Insights from an Award-Winning EU-Funded Citizen Science Project

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Dr Tiberius Ignat

Citizen Science is a pillar of Open Science, intertwining researchers' expertise with public enthusiasm. Drawing from our experiences in CSI-COP, the 2022 PICASSO awardee, this paper delves into crafting impactful proposals, navigating project complexities, and harnessing the power of collaboration.

Co-creating impact pathways

Workshop methodology to support researchers in creating impact pathways

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Michael Papapetrou

A practical example with active involvement of the audience identifying impact pathways for a specific call topic

Collaborative Research Funding Training Initiative

COLLABORATION: The key to a successful researcher funding training programme

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Francesca Martini

Collaborative Funding Training for SFI Centres. Harnessing collective expertise through strategic alliances for maximum impact.

Data Is the New Gold - DING!

How to transform your application and award data into strategic info for management and at the same time use the data for optimizing daily RSO advice to departments/researchers & internal work flow.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Henrik Engell-Hedager

The collection, analysis and use of application and award data makes us better in prioritising our advice and it gaps shortcomings when it comes to external funding.

RSO will show hands-on examples of:

Management statistics for strategic decisions
Profiling of departments
Impact of RSO work

EU-LIFE ERC Masterclass for junior applicants

EU-LIFE Online ERC Masterclass: sharing our experience to boost successful Starting and Consolidator applicants

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Cristina Bartocci

The Grants Officers from 15 top-level institutes belonging to the EU-LIFE alliance pool their expertise, share their knowledge and best practices in a masterclass aimed at ERC Starting and Consolidator applicants.

Embracing the 'Region as Campus'

Embracing the 'Region as Campus' - A Research Manager's Perspective at a University of Applied Sciences

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Ivo Schrijer

The 'Region as Campus’ concept is an approach to answer the increasing need for academic relevance and impact in a rapidly changing landscape. In the Netherlands, Universities of Applied Sciences have been leading here, building on their regional ties towards innovation and collaboration.

Empowering MSCA Research Management

Elevating Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Through Strong Research Management

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Dr. Jonas Krebs

In Europe, R&I drive growth and progress. However, challenges arise, particularly in building a solid community of MSCA research and project managers. The MCAA Research Management WG will present itself: a platform for discussion and support, enriching the landscape of research management in Europe.

Essential PM practices for R&I Projects

Essential Project Management Practices for Collaborative Research and Innovation Projects

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

José Santos

Collaborative Research and Innovation (R& I) projects pose distinct challenges when it comes to understanding and articulating the value of project management (PM) practices in delivering the anticipated benefits to stakeholders. We will be presenting the results of a study that seeks to enhance our

FORTRAMA – experiences founding the German ARMA

FORTRAMA – experiences with the foundation of the German ARMA

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Meike Dlaboha

With this workshop we want to report on our experiences with the foundation of the German ARMA association and hope to encourage some other countries to found own ARMAs.

Facilitate multidisciplinarity to maximize impact

How to enhance the impact of research by helping to break silos: Examples of facilitating multidisciplinarity

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Petra Auer-Nahold

University of Venice, University of Copenhagen and Graz University of Technology compare their institutional experiences and present a set of recommendations on how to facilitate mulitdisciplinarity in order to enhance and maximise impact.

Fundraising as basic literacy skill

Should "fundraising" skills be a pre-requisite for Early Career Researchers?

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Ivo Grigorov

Proposal writing and fundraising skills are becoming an essential skillset for senior researchers willing to build a team, or even to remain in academia. Yet PhD's and early career researchers frequently discover these skills much too late into their career progression.

Guiding Researchers through OA Funder Mandates

Jungle Jaunt: Guiding Researchers through the Wilds of Open Access Funder Mandates

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Kylie Cortebeeck

There is a plethora of funder OA mandates. This presentation briefly illustrates the complexity for (KU Leuven) researchers, what support we provide pre- and post-award, which different teams are involved and how we use Business Intelligence reports to render our work more efficient and effective.

Hosting international staff exchange guests

How to support staff exchange matchmaking and facilitate mutual learning

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Riikka Sarasjärvi

International staff exchange is a great possibility for gaining new ideas and building networks, however, it can be a challenging task to arrange. This session discusses the lessons learned from staff exchange visits and what to consider for a mutually beneficial experience.

How far can/should the Research Support Office go?

Practical experience at Eurac Research

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Erica Lavagno

In Eurac Research, the RSO strategy overcomes the barrier of mere administrative tasks providing a wide range of information and services based on a different penetration in the project preparation and aimed at the growth of the researchers as scientists and managers.

Joining forces to create impact

An example from the Netherlands

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Anne Marike Lokhorst

Lessons learned from a collaboration between 4 professional universities aiming to achieve impact with their applied research in the domains of sustainability, healthcare & wellbeing, and artificial intelligence. What works well, and what doesn't?

Kill the Villain!

Using Storytelling in Scientific Grant Writing

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Philip Hallenborg

Hollywood has historically been madly in love with having science as a major driver in their storytelling. This deep affection has, however, not been mutual. Conveying science through storytelling has been regarded as obscure in a world where objectivity is at the very core. Until now.

Know your coordinator

The importance of interpersonal skills and relations

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Lotta Avesson

Our support to coordinators of collaborative project proposals varies substantially from coordinator to coordinator. In our presentation we will discuss the different coordinator “personas” we meet and the diverse roles we find ourselves in when supporting them.

Lump sums –the KU Leuven approach

Lump sums – how to deal with it: the KU Leuven approach

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Katrijn De Brucker

The use of lump sum funding has been rolled out in a significant number of Horizon Europe calls for the 2023-2024 work programme . Whereas this funding type simplifies project implementation by making actual cost reporting redundant, it does require specific guidance as well as adjusted procedures.

Myth busting the PI role in an ERC application

Adapting myth busting strategies incorporating the recent changes to ERC application focal points to support PIs

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Maria Maunula

In 2024 calls the ERC made changes that reflect the focus on the idea, while the PIs track works as a feasibility factor to support it. We share experiences on how to accommodate support strategies to highlight ERC applicants role as one of the cornerstones supporting the idea.

Patient-Centered Innovation in EU funded projects

Patient-Centered Innovation in Clinical Trials funded by the EDCTP and other EU calls.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Lilit Manukyan

Enhancing clinical trials by involving patients throughout the journey leads to improved outcomes and patient experiences. Explore the innovative approach of 'beyond the pill' and the significance of patient engagement in EDCTP and other EU calls.

Positioning RMA in the organisation

How to position the RMA function in the organization, to increase institutional performance

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Esben Flindt

The presentation shares good practice for becoming recognized and involved with the organisational leadership, if your RMA function does not appear in the institutional organigram, or if your leadership has a narrow-minded understanding of what an RMA function can(not) do.

Post Award in a changing world

How to prepare a Post Award team for the ever evolving landscape of funder rules and regulations

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Mira Lindner

Most Post award teams, cover EU funding and most often also other funders that have an international element. The presentation will discuss how to set up an agile research support team and how a restructure can help institute to deliver a end to end service and be ready to support different grant ty

Post-award project management at Ghent University

Post-award project management at the central level for Horizon Europe projects: Experiences of the Ghent University EU Project managers

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Annelies De Paepe

Early 2020, Ghent University restructured its internal RMA services regarding European projects and funding. Since, the central post-award team of six “EU-projectmanagers” centralizes accumulated expertise on Horizon Europe projects. We aim to share our insights with our RMA colleagues.

Project Control

Project Control: from pre-award to post-award management. The Fraunhofer Portugal's use case.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Rui Nuno Castro

Project Control is a collaborative web application used for managing funded projects throughout their life cycle. It simplifies and organizes the management of funded projects. Developed and being used by Fraunhofer Portugal for 10 years now, it has become an indispensable tool for managing research

Project management at its best

How the additional qualification of RMAs can help principal investigators to successfully handle complex projects and teams.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Elke Perl-vorbach

To enable researchers to focus on the scientific content, Graz University of Technology has established a Project Management support service. IPMA (International Project Management Association) certified RMAs accompany research projects from the start, using key project management techniques.

Public affairs new EU framework programme affairs

Public affairs: the new EU framework programme affairs as a practical example

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Willem Wolters

External funds are essential for many universities. It is important to know which funds to consider and how to use them successfully. Public affairs activities can help to do so. This presentation takes the new framework programme as an example in a very practical way.

RMAs enabling new research collaborations in EUAs

Creating links and research collaboration between EUA partner universities through thematic focus groups.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Fede Dewulf

We focus on the role and experience of EUA ENLIGHT RMAs to bring together researchers from the different partner universities to initiate in-depth discussions on research topics and challenges with the ultimate aim of creating new joint research collaborations and project proposals.

Shaping the future of responsible research

Shaping the future of responsible research and innovation: EARMA in the European landscape

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Teodora Konach

The presentation of the pro-active role of EARMA, as the voice of RMAs in relevant Horizon Europe EU-funded projects, in translating responsible research and innovation principles into practice and shaping the future of responsible research and innovation culture in Europe and beyond.

Starting/Re-starting a research office

Starting or Re-Starting a Research Office : Building a culture of research and faculty engagement

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Kris Monahan

Engaging presenters will discuss leadership approaches to ensure success in starting or restarting a research office in the US and the UK. Topics include: building a research culture and engagement across the institution; developing relationships; supporting staff and reestablishing norms.

Storytelling and Stakeholders in Research Grants


Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Simone Wenkel

This presentation explores how research administrators can use trending storytelling strategies to help the researchers engage with potential reviewers when writing a grant proposal. Drawing on insights from narratology and sociolinguistics, we will highlight concepts that define proposal writing.

Success Rates and European Commission funding

Success Rates and European Commission funding: An Institutional Approach

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Caroline Barbour

We will look at how we have encouraged and supported PIs at our institutions to submit high quality EC applications, both at an individual level and through a systematic approach to increasing our success rates.

Top 5 Audit Risks for USG Funding

Top 5 Audit Risks for European Institutions Who Receive US Government Funds

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Bill Ferreira

The US government expects an extraordinary level of transparency, openness, and accountability by recipients of US government research funds -- including European institutions that are recipients or subrecipients of US grant funds.

What is academic quality, really?

How can we contribute to the ongoing comprehensive advancement of research assessment, locally, nationally and globally?

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Ragnar Lie

The pace, depth and width of the present reform process in research assessment is astonishing. How to translate this process into the institutional and national context, create local involvement, as well as contribute to the overall reform internationally? Where are we and what remains to be done?

A Sabbatical in Research Management USA-CH

A Sabbatical in Research Management

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Karl Kerschbaum

Results, experiences and learnings from three months Sabbatical Stay in Research Management from ETH Zürich (Switzerland) to Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (California)

An unexpected journey

There and Back Again. A story of Lessons Learned, Orcs, Hobbits and the Finding of My Precious

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Dr Bryony Wakefield

Sharing experiences, building on lessons learned and supporting each other to succeed – it is this approach that will ensure a bright future for RMA. In this panel session, you will hear from several colleagues who have each built careers grounded in the importance of sharing knowledge.

Bridging the Gap: Open Science in RMA

Bridging the Gap: Open Science in Research Management and Administration

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh

This session seeks to extend our collaborative work and invites participants to engage in three roundtable discussions focusing on key aspects of Open Science integration in RMA: Incentives and Rewards, Collaboration between OS Experts and Research Administration, and Training and Skilling

Challenges in Transnational Research Support

Transnational European Support Offices: challenges and risks when Research Support crosses borders

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Laura Paternoster

ECIU and Unite! share and discuss with conference participants their challenges, risks, solutions, good practices in collaboration in research Management and in developing Support Office at the Alliance's level. The challenges comprise strategy, leadership, resources and commitment affairs

ERC 2024 - Is it a new game?

The ERC 2024 changes - Are they just cosmetic or entirely changing the grant?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Mr Yoram Bar-zeev

The recently published 2024 ERC work programme presented some changes to this prestigious grant. Some of these changes are technical, while others might be more dramatic, with the potential to change the grant’s nature. This session will present and discuss the implications of these changes.

How can RMAs contribute to building EUAs?

How can Research Managers and Administrators contribute to build European Universities Alliances? How strategic R&I and our roles are to help their growth and consolidation?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Ignasi Salvado

We will discuss the role of RMAs in EUAs, focusing on (a) Best practices, (b) R&I agendas implementation, (c) Equal importance of education, R&I and their interactions, (d) Opportunities for alliances to advance the ERA. We will address common future challenges and ways to address them.

Nudging crazy professors towards pragmatism

Nudging crazy ideas of professors towards pragmatic MSCA DN proposals by learning from experience

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Jan Beerens

In a world where projects are increasingly complex and proposals required societal impact on society for the planet, pragmatism is often ignored. MSCA projects are executed and MSCA proposals are written, but the lessons learned are easily forgotten. Therefore: “How to nudge Principle Investigators

Open Science Support and Services

Open Science Support and Services: What makes for good practice?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Dr Liise Lehtsalu

This discussion table invites participants to consider use cases for Open Science services and support and discuss what makes for good practice in Open Science support and service provision.

Shortcut to facilitating goal-oriented workshops

Elevating your Facilitation Skills: a 60- minute crash course

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Melanie Buscher

Get ten proven hacks for facilitating workshops that achieve their goals. Use our blueprint for your next proposal writing session or adapt it to any other topic. See ready-made templates for overview and direction. This session is for RMAs who want to create more engaging and effective meetings.

The Lump Sum is in limbo-How RMAs can survive this

The RMA toolbox for lump sum grants in Horizon Europe

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Mr Yoram Bar-zeev

Horizon Europe expanded its use of the Lump Sum model, perceived as a more effective & simpler method of financial management. A closer look unravels critical discrepancies and issues that RMAs must be aware of, both in the pre- and post-award phases. This session addresses these critical issues.

The knowledge base of research strategies

Strategic advice for institutional decision makers- the Role of RMAs

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Erik Ingebrigtsen

What is the role of RMAs in providing strategic advice and management data to executive institutional decision makers? How does this contribute to research strategy development and the achievement of these goals? Four real-life examples will introduce a discussion, involving also the audience.

The perfect match

Reaching high societal impact within collaborative R&D project through win-win synergy between universities and Research and Technology Organisations

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Juliette Forneris

The session explores the benefits of establishing strong links between RTOs and universities. Participants will gain insight into how RMA teams from RTOs initiate innovation projects, why RTOs are appealing to industry, their ability to create societal impact, and their openness to the global market

To AI or not to AI: that is the question.

Beyond Hype: A panel discussion assessing the value of Artificiall Intelligence tools across all stages of grant proposal preparation

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Michael Papapetrou

AI tools are here. They are developing fast and almost everyone is experimenting with them. Proposal writing is changing as a result. Let's discuss to identify together best practice approaches.

10 pitfalls of the MSCA and how to avoid them

How not to lose your mind when preparing, managing and following up an MSCA Grant (and if you can, develop a viable institutional strategy!)

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Dr Julie Sauer

This presentation showcases the 10 most common challenges when preparing, managing and following up a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Grant (Postdoctoral Fellowships, Cofund and Doctoral Networks), based on more than a decade of experience of management and coordination for various institutions.

Don’t underestimate Concept Notes

A vital tool in Proposal Development

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Tara Murphy

Focusing on the formation stage of the ERINN Proposal Development Lifecycle, we present the vital step of developing a concept note in the early stages of proposal development to ensure maximum efficiency and alignment to the call topic.

ERC: Excellence needs to be coached

Excellent scientists become more successful in highly competitive ERC grants while coached.

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Dr. Ksenia Bagrintseva

The prestigious ERC grants are awarded to excellent scientists, opening up new opportunities for their careers. But is excellence enough to win? I will present 3 reasons why excellent scientists must be coached to go successfully through this fierce competition and 3 steps of coaching ERC candidates

Effective services for research infrastructures

Creating effective support services for research infrastructures

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Christian Bonnici

This presentation describes how the lab support arm of the Research Support Services Directorate at the University of Malta supports researchers through centralised lab support services that include waste management, SOP management, asset inventories, Health and Safety and lab-related training.

Empowering doctoral candidates for funding success

Empowering doctoral candidates for funding success – the role of the Research Managers

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Dr Orla Power-Grant

This paper focuses on two challenging aspects of successful doctoral education, (i) recruitment of talented researchers and (ii) securing funding to support those researchers.

Enhancing Reflection: A Monitoring Framework Pilot

Insights, Challenges, and Practical Approaches for Adapting the Monitoring Framework to the Diversity of European Universities Initiatives (EUI)

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

MA Corinne Owens

Nehem, a consulting firm, and ENHANCE, an EUI Alliance of ten leading Tech Universities, collaborated to pilot the Monitoring Framework co-designed by EUI Alliances and PPMI. We share our key insights and best practices that can help guide the framework's implementation across other EUI alliances.

How can FAIR data get us further, faster?

Furthering the pursuit of knowledge with FAIR data in a rapidly changing world.

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Mark Hahnel

This presentation will highlight how there has never been a more important time for research managers and administrators to engage proficiently with the FAIR principles, showcasing how when research data interopts with machines, huge advancements can be made.

How to best support Early-Stage Career Researchers

How to best support Early-Stage Career Researchers?

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Natacha Leite

In this Pecha Kucha we will tell you about the support that we, a pre-award team of 5 research advisors at the University of Coimbra (UC) in Portugal, have been crafting for early career researchers.

Measuring impact of Gender Equality Plans

Measuring impact of Gender Equality Plans - Introduction of a comprehensive Gender Audit Tool

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Deirdre Meursing

As part of the Horizon 2020 funded EQUAL4EUROPE project, Nehem developed and implemented an impartial assessment methodology to track progress of Gender Equality Plans, i.e. the Gender Audit Tool (GAT). The GAT is based on an extensive body of research and is compliant with Horizon Europe criteria.

RMA for science diplomacy

RMA-based policymaking as an effective tool for science diplomacy

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Ms. Hana Owsianková

RMAs play a pivotal role in science diplomacy by facilitating research activities, managing resources, and nurturing interdisciplinary collaborations within their institutions. However, their potential to impact global challenges has not yet been acknowledged and applied to its fullest extent.

Research Impact through stakeholders’ engagement

A co-creation process to increase the impact of applied research

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Monica Gabrielli

Applied research strives for societal impact beyond academia. Laimburg Research Centre shares a best-practice case on initiatives aiming at boosting impact by involving stakeholders in research projects through a co-creation process.

Supporting the development of young researchers

PhD Support Structure – RMA helping the development of young researcher’s career

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Leadership

Fernando Borges

There is growing concern about research culture and the future of the scientific research workforce. what can research management do to support young researchers?

#DiscussAI National Conversation on AI

#DiscussAI: Learnings from a National Conversation on Artificial Intelligence

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Dr Emma Clarke

This poster will take the example of #DiscussAI, the overarching identity implemented to oversee a national conversation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Ireland.

Arriving at the Starting Line

Your transition into Project Management - a Guide

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)

Jake Reardon

Many project managers 'fall' into their position, coming from a variety of backgrounds. Here, we compile resources for getting started so you can begin the project race equipped with tools for success.

Building systematic proposal preparation process

Case experience of pre-award support for a coordinated Horizon Europe proposal

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Hanna Piironen

Relevant EU funding calls should be identified even years before, but researchers are busy. How to overcome the challenge of preparing ahead? Focusing on a recent coordinated proposal case, we present the pre-award process facilitating a more systematic approach to applying Horizon Europe funding.

EUROLIFE: experiences from a EU university network

EUROLIFE: sharing >20 years of experiences with a collaborative network of European universities in life sciences and the role of RMA’s in such an alliance

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Pieter de Koning

The presenters will share their experiences with stimulating >20 years of European collaboration between 9 partner universities, covering the activities / successes, the organizational structure and the role of RMA’s in such a network.



Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Laura Motta

Along with the start of the Horizon Europe Programme Università Cattolica initiated a new info/training programme named “I giovedì della Ricerca Europea”. The poster includes a deeper analysis on how the programme has been organised and additional analysis on the researchers participation.

Empowering citizen scientists in mental health

Deciding with you, not for you: empowering young people as citizen scientists in youth mental health research

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Carolina Vieira

In mental health, trust and open dialogue are vital for citizen-researcher collaboration; however, empowering young people as citizen scientists in this field presents unique challenges. In this poster, we present Youth-GEMS' best practices for citizen science within mental health research.

Entrepreneurship collaboration projects.

Entrepreneurship collaboration projects with companies and authorities in Estonian Maritime Academy.

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Kristel Rauk

Collaboration projects with companies and authorities in maritime sector are highly important. Especially as Estonia is a small country, all contacts and links are vital to the industy. Adminsitrative process in university, challanges, lifecycle and how we can improve current procedures. Case study

Ethics in Grants Applications: Tools for Research

Ethics in Grants Applications: Tools for Research

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Vania Rosas

Research projects now emphasize ethics in grant applications, especially in human research, data collection, animal experiments, international collaborations, environmental impact, and civil applications. A poster presents tools from Institut Pasteur Paris to aid Research Managers and Administrators

Evidencing Impact: who has the magic bullet?

How can RMAs best support researchers with evidencing the economic and societal impact of their research

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Saskia Walcott

This 3interactive session will explore how RMAs can support academics with one of the most challenging aspects of the research impact lifecycle: evidence. Identifying the common challenges, the session provides examples and suggestions from the RMA 'hive mind' on methods that have worked (or not!)

Evolution of RM profiles in ISGlobal

Evolution of Research Managers profiles in ISGlobal

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Elena Esteban

ISGlobal has been in continuous evolution and growth since its creation. As a result of this growth, the Projects Unit has grown in terms of FTE but not only in the total number of personnel but also in the different profiles, turning in more specialized people who are managing research

Gender Equality in Research Governance of IRCCS

Improving gender equality in the Research Governance of Italian Research Hospitals

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Open Science

Giulia Mollica

Research Governance promotes by RMAs must support gender equality policies. RMAs of IRCCS hospitals have to explore the state of art of the cultural and educational path in line with European regulations and they have to monitor improvement and to set future priorities and goals.

Getting Bang for Your Buck at Pre-Award

Getting Bang for Your Buck at Pre-Award: New Practices and Tools for Proactive Awareness Raising

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Dr Luke John Murphy

The funding world is a jungle of possibilities, and there is no consensus on best practices to connect researchers to funding opportunities. Our poster outlines DTI’s awareness raising processes, aiming to start a conversation with EARMA delegates and raise the bar across the profession.

Multi-institutional research management

Navigating multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research management: The iCRAG experience

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Francesca Martini

Challenges and successes in multi-institutional and multidisciplinary research management: the experience of a Research Centre Operations Team

Postdoc policy - lessons learned

Implementation of the Postdoc policy in University medical centre - challenges and successes

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dagmar Eleveld-Trancikova

Developing and implementing postdoc policy in University medical centre involves multiple stakeholders, including academics, HR, finance, and department heads requiring a scale of competences for RMA. We will discuss best practices, pitfalls, and necessary skills in the presentation.

Succeed and Lead

Striving for academic, research and career development in a postdoctoral programme: Acknowledging transitions

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Dr Orla Power-Grant

The purpose of this paper is to share the design, development and implementation of a postdoctoral program aimed at developing leadership, enhancing research performance and supporting the career development of early-career PDRs.

Visual time & strategy project planning

How to visually represent a proposal drafting in terms of structure and time

Format: Poster

Category: Good Practice

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Erica Lavagno

This poster provides a reference method for activity deployment during the proposal preparation: (1) administrative activities, (2) writing aspects, (3) budgeting issues, (4) consortium management; to strategically sketch a project idea and meet the proposal submission deadline in time.