EARMA Conference Odense 2024


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Enhancing proposals: the retreat experience

Unlocking the potential of proposal writing retreats: a comprehensive exploration of their benefits and impact

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Julian Randall

We've successfully organized a series of proposal writing retreats, offering participants a more immersive experience compared to workshops. These retreats prioritize dedicated writing time while also providing opportunities for recovery, inspiration, and informative sessions.

Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI)

Fostering Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI) in Research Management: engaging with a EARMA’s new Thematic Group

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Andreja Zulim de Swarte

Discover the transformative power of Equality, Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion (ECDI) in research management. Join our thematic group, where we explore ECDI's impact on mental health and wellbeing and share best practices for creating a diverse and inclusive academic environment.

Generative AI for RMA

Experiences with the use of Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, in everyday work for RMA

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Mario Mueller

The Charles University of Prague strongly supports the use of ChatGPT for researchers and support staff. As a member of the COIMBRA Group it shared it’s experiences in a hands-on workshop with RSOs of the other universities. Here we come together to discuss and exchange our experiences with you.

Open Science, Open PROPOSALS

Can we accelerate IMPACT by disclosing HorizonEU Proposal?

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Open Science

Ivo Grigorov

EU Calls frequently fund multiple projects tackling the same question, but projects rarely co-deliver in meaningful terms. Can proposal disclosure at granting stage, make project design, outputs and timeframes accessible for more intentional “clustering” and co-delivery to take place by default?

RMA teams leadership for wellbeing at work

RMAs occupational wellness: building an empowered and cooperative RMAs team

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Leadership

Rosa Miralles

As RMA professionals we work in the highly competitive research landscape, being constantly exposed to external pressure. Leading and managing a team of RMAs represents a great challenge: is there a way to guarantee occupational wellness in our profession while obtaining competitive results?

5 years Pioneering AI: our Growth Path to Boost RM

Adapting the Role of Research Managers in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Insights from a University customizing and developing in-house AI tools for Research Management since 2018

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Maéva Vignes

Research managers face an ever-evolving research landscape, with challenges stemming from data overload, fragmented tools, and changing researcher needs. Could the answer lie in AI? We will answer this question from the point of view of very early adopters and developers of AI tools for RM.

A Visual Mapping Tool

Advancing Research Management: A Visual Mapping Tool for Enhancing Efficiency and Resource Allocation for Research Managers and Administrators

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Hiwa Malen

Research management has evolved with growing complexity and collaboration, but its global recognition varies. Our tool enhances efficiency, visibility, and understanding of this multifaceted profession, aligning with ERA Action 17

A match made in hAIven?

The role of AI in fostering research collaboration & grant application

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Hannelore Vanhaverbeke

KU Leuven’s Research Office, together with ICT-services, has been experimenting with different use cases and NLP techniques to assess the potential and pitfalls of using AI to support our work, mostly making use of non-commercial software.

Broad professional and artificial

How can AI play a role in broadening and professionalising Research Management

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Erlend Aano

Discover how AI could be a tool for Research Managers, aiding them in elevating their role from supportive aid to peer partner, fostering professionalisation, and transforming the future of this vital profession.

CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers

CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers (RM1 to RM4)

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Mary Kate O'Regan

Action 17-Pact for Research “Enhancing the strategic capacity of Europe’s public research performing and funding organisations” creates a mechanism to introduce a framework for empowering career architecture for Research Manager Careers. This is a revolutionary Framework inclusive of progression!

Complex Collaborations

Complex Collaborations: Managing security risk in research and innovation

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Sapna Marwaha

The United Kingdom has followed countries like the USA and Australia in introducing significant legislation seeking to manage the national security risk in emerging technologies. As these requirements spread across Europe, we want to share our project finding exploring the sector response.

Connecting European networks for partnership

Improving international research management partnerships with low and middle-income countries (LMICs)

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Dr. Conor Snowden

Following years of funding challenges and the impact of Covid-19 on research, this conference presentation explores how we have established a UK network for those looking at improving international research management with LMICs. It will be a platform for exploring collaboration across Europe.

Establishing an RMA professional development speci

Establishing an RMA professional development special interest group and framework

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Dr. Julia Thidamarth Vilstrup Mouatt

Learnings so far from establishing an RMA professional development special interest group which will develop an induction experience for new RMA staff and develop an RMA capabilities framework.

Impact of innovation at research infrastructures

CASEIA: Measuring the socio-economic impact of innovation at research infrastructures for natural sciences

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Leadership

Dr. Sonia Utermann

CASEIA is a pilot for a comprehensive impact study, applicable to future innovation interventions at large research infrastructures. As a qualitative study, it complements quantitative econometric methods. We have tested our methodology, instruments and analytical framework on three case-studies.

Interactive Impact Kickstart Workshops

Interactive Impact Kickstart Workshops - from scratch to success

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Andreas Westermoen

A new interactive workshop for kickstarting Impact was piloted with good results. Three main goals achieved: 1) successfully targeting the top scientists 2) integrating impact perspective from start 3) output directly useful for proposal writing. The session explains why, what and how.

Make Research Infrastructure Count

Make Research Infrastructure Count

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Petra Dickhaut

TU Eindhoven puts Research Infrastructure (RI) at the core of our innovation and economic development mission. We present our integrated system to manage and book equipment, while automatically tracking related research outputs, to evaluate the impact of RI investments and showcase it.

National Research Portal in Focus

Making Excellence Visible and Pooling Services: A concept study for a national research portal for Austria

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Madeleine Harbich

National research portals consolidate research metadata, offering information services about publications, research projects and more. This pioneering initiative involves a bottom-up consortium of research institutions and funding organisations and considers multiple target groups and stakeholders.

On fair and consistent evaluations of P2 proposals

LERU recommendations to the EC for fair and consistent evaluation of Horizon Europe collaborative proposals. What RMAs should know about evaluation procedures and instructions.

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr Nele Nivelle

After analysing an extensive data set of evaluation summary reports for HEU Pillar 2 proposals, LERU presents its results and recommendations for the European Commission to optimize its evaluation procedure and instructions. RMAs can draw on our analysis to fine-tune their support strategies.

Project Life Cycle Fair Data Mapping

A tool aiming at bridging the knowledge gap of the Open Science lingo and helping draft Data Management Plans!

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Open Science

Katja Badanjak

Researchers struggle to draft Data Management Plans. At Uni.lu we have created a tool to bridge the knowledge gap and get the work done while addressing best open science practices

RMA Foresight Competences in the Era of AI


Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Hanna-Greta Puurtinen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing work, and the Research Management and Administration (RMA) professions do not remain untouched in this tremendous change.

Responding Responsibly to the Rankings

Responding Responsibly to the Rankings: introducing the More Than Our Rank initiative

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr Elizabeth Gadd

This presentation will explore why universities are seeking to engage more responsibly with the international university rankings and introduce a mechanism by which they might do so: the INORMS More Than Our Rank initiative.

TU-NET: A Strategic Alliance for Open Research

Libraries and Research-associated Offices Collaborating to Support Open Research

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Frances Madden

Ireland's five new technological universities have formed an alliance to support the transition to an open research environment. Since summer 2022, with no funding or external support, the network has launched a joint statement on open research and a shared repository, which showcases their combined

Blueprint for Growth

Blueprint for Growth: The SRAI Professional Development Framework Journey

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Evan Roberts

In this session we delve into Society of Research Administrators International's (SRAI) ambitious project to establish a Professional Development Framework tailored for research administrators. This interactive session will spotlight crucial aspects of the initiative, from planning to deployment,

Cross-cultural solutions on international campuses

Equity and inclusion in developing international campuses: a discussion of cultural responsive leadership in the university alliance SEA-EU

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances

Tove Holm

We share and invite a discussion around: experiences and insights of both challenges and potential solutions for cross-cultural collaborations and culturally responsive leadership in developing international campuses. These observations are rooted in our work within the university alliance SEA-EU.

ERION: AI and ethics

Implementing AI ethics principles within self-assessments of European research projects

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Open Science

Susan Hommerson

In this session we are going to discuss several AI case studies and best practices on how to best implement the AI/ethics strategies within research with our EARMA community. The results will be documented in a report to be shared with the EU Commission and the EARMA community.

Go Green in R&I Project Management

Concept of green management of research and innovation projects - how to foster green innovations in organizations?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Zygmunt Krasinski

The concept of green management of R&I projects will be presented. Discussion will be focus on how to foster green innovations in organizations and meet the recent requirements deriving from the Green Deal priorities and targeting the 2030 EU zero emission and OECD sustainable development goals.

Insight in funding performance for RMA’s

Funding insights and benchmarking, how to stay up to date with your funding performance.

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Dr. Christian Jagersma

Benchmarking and performance analyses are difficult but needed in this highly competitive research environment. With a group of other University medical centers and Universities we have developed a tailormade independent dashboard where organisations can combine information from various funders.

Mind the GAP: pre- and post-award services in sync

Mind the GAP-pre- and post-award services in sync; collaboration for stronger proposals and better projects

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Claudia Nicolaije

To optimise grant support, UMC Utrecht is developing collaborative services that engage grant advisers and project managers. By building on collective expertise, we design viable, winning projects. Innovative services include writing support, implementation advice and dis/com services.

Valorisation of Widening research results

Valorisation of research results – how to make it successful in Widening countries?

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk

The panel discussion will analyse barriers and bottlenecks impacting the valorisation of research results in Widening countries. Remedy meassures like Dissemination and Exploitation Facility will be presented. Best practices from Czechia and Poland to inspire others will be elaborated as well.

Your ticket towards Europe

Dutch pilot for seed funding University of Applied Sciences for better participation in European research consortia

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr. Maren Pannemann

What are the pitfalls and strengths of Universities of Applied Sciences engaging with EU subsidies? This interactive session illustrates the effect of a pilot programme by the Dutch Research Council and is both of interest for RMAs as for policy officers affiliated to national funding organizations.

A Strategy to boost Research Funding Success

Establishment of the Strategic Areas support team: implementation, challenges and success in a widening country

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Maria Joao Neves

At the University of Coimbra (UC) a pre-award team was created to improve UC excellence in scientific research and collaboration in international funding programs. The Research Managers team's initiatives, support, and challenges will be presented, along with their impacts on research performance.

Boosting Early-Career Research in Strategic Areas

Seed Projects: Boosting Innovative and Original Ideas of Early-Career Researchers

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Shiva Saadatian

SeedProjects@UC is a university-wide initiative to fund scientific research proposed by early-career researchers in strategic areas. It aims to provide funding and support for interdisciplinary original ideas and opportunities for proof of concept, which then lead to groundbreaking R&D projects.

Boosting the project management competences of PIs

Boosting the project management competences of PIs:a quest towards equilibrium of research and management

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Leadership

Dragan Bjelica

Principal Investigators (PIs) play a crucial role in driving contemporary research while simultaneously managing complex project components. The article delves into the imperative task of enhancing the project management proficiency of PIs.

Can EDI enhance the job of R&I lobbyists?

Should we lobby and influence policy on EDI? If so, how? Can EDI help us to improve our job? Policy and lobbying in the EDI space.

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Ignasi Salvado

Research organizations influence research policy, but when it comes to EDI, they let new initiatives from funders happen. This Pecha Kucha opens the discussion and aims at collecting ideas on and best practices on how EDI could really help lobbyists to enhance their job and increase their impact.

Communicating Through Change

Change Management as an Ongoing Dialogue

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Megan Moore

Using the experience of the Harvard University Office for Sponsored Programs as a model, we will discuss approaches to communicating and implementing change as RMAs, including how to prepare and structure proactive solutions in decentralized research environments.

Stepping stones to Europe

Adding value inspired by design thinking

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Hege Taarud

Who has not experienced submitting project proposals poorly prepared! So; how can we, as RMA, help the proposers to develop the project idea? Our ambition is to offer workshops where we explore and work with the development of project proposals. The process to be facilitated using recognized tools.


Organizational evolution plan "CODE PLAN" at ISGlobal, Barcelona

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Maria Jose Merino

Defining an evolving organization able to adapting to the new challenges and to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary answer to the scientific questions Through the organizational architecture, the culture of the institution and focused on people and teams.

The UNIVE Research Knowledge Community

"Research Knowledge Community" (RKC): organizational “entry point” to bridge the gap between Pre-Award and Post-Award in research management

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Matteo Giarraffa

The Research Knowledge Community (RKC) aims to bridge the gap between university offices through a process and result-oriented approach. It establishes a shared language among various areas of expertise and brings together professionals (RMA) involved in the Research Services value chain.

Winning NIH grants: how to make a start?

Deciphering the NIH grant process and driving your researchers to US-government health awards

Format: Pecha Kucha

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)

Soizic Sergeant

Biomedical research institutions know how prestigious it is to win NIH-National Institutes of Health awards (US), but can fear the complexity of its grant process. This presentation aims to give clues to RMAs that are not familiar with NIH funds but want their institutions to go for it.

AI-Enhanced Funding Strategies for Horizon Europe

Enhancing Research Funding Acquisition: AI-Driven Strategies for Horizon Europe Opportunities at the University for Continuing Education Krems

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future

Isolde Halmer

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria, we assessed Horizon Europe funding strategies in 2022/2023. To aid researchers, an AI tool will extract keywords from databases and suggest suitable calls for efficient proposal planning.

Better together

Better together: Building a RM community to survive in the “research jungle”

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Lorenza Maluccelli

Research Support Ecosystem at the UNIBO consists of a centre-periphery model, with a central structure providing specialized consulting to departmental RM staff. In such complex scenario, RM community is fostering the growth of a piloting network where professional development is in the spotlight.

Certified Project Manager online course

Certified Project Manager online course supporting R&I work in a Finnish UAS

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Liisa Sillanpää

This presentation will show how research support services can support R&I project managers more effectively and with limited resources.

ERA-wide landscape of Research Management

Our journey to create a common definition, terminology, categorisation, professional development and skill matrixes at the European Level in RM ROADMAP

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Virág Zsár

The poster aims to provide an overview on the current state-of-the-art of the profession of Research Management (RM) within the European Research Area (ERA). The investigation is being carried out in the frame of the project RM ROADMAP to enhance awareness and recognition of the profession.

How to empower would-be Scientrepreneurs

Increase Entrepreneurial awareness among academics - a Research Department Perspective

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Mathieu Seyfrid

In accordance with ERA’s Policy Agenda 2022-2024, we aim to encourage knowledge valorisation, notably through leverage of the commercial potential of scientific achievements. This, notably by training scientists to adopt an Entrepreneurial spirit and detect market opportunities.

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Looking into the Future of Research Managers

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

MSc. Fleur Vermeulen-Duijndam

The role of research managers has undergone transformation over the past few decades. We think that this role will evolve further. By surveying and interviewing TU Delft research managers, we explore how they perceive the changes ahead, and predict how these changes will impact their future.

RM opportunities across Europe

Professional development opportunities for Research Managers across Europe

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Oliveira

RM Roadmap's initial findings outline professional development opportunities for Research Managers in Europe, categorized into five main areas: Training, Mobility, Networking, Funding, and RM Networks.

RMA Comprehensive training plan

A Comprehensive training in European R&I Poject’s Management in Catalonia

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Professional and Career Development

Cristina Borras

A visual presentation of a comprehensive training plan for European projects' management. Designed by RPOs and RFOs to strengthen the management capacity of Catalan institutions. Addressed to candidates with short experience as RMA, who can choose their own learning pathway.

Spotlight on Research Equipment and Facilities

Evaluate and showcase your institutional Research Infrastructure investments

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Mr. Alberto Zigoni

Research Infrastructures (RIs) are vital inputs for innovation and talent attraction, yet proving their impact is challenging. Our AI-driven approach helps institutions manage RI data and demonstrate their research contribution. Explore Elsevier's Equipment Monitor service in this poster.

The CHC Grant Management Team at Helmholtz Munich

The Computational Health Center Grant Management Team at Helmholtz Munich

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Operations and Planning

Dr. Alexander Coleman

We recently built a new, department-oriented grant management team, and would like to network with other science managers working on similar topics across Europe

The Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Impact Model

Planning and evaluating the impact of collaborative research: The OIS Impact Model

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti

The OIS Impact Model is a tool which can be used to plan, communicate and assess the outcomes of active citizen involvement in collaborative research regarding changes in personal awareness and competencies, behaviours and life circumstances of all those involved.

The role of the Experimental Coordinator

Harnessing the Potential of Experimental Infrastructure in Research Projects

Format: Poster

Category: New Initiative

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)

Anna Fenelon

Individual Research projects and their host organisations invest heavily in state of the art experimental infrastructure throughout the life cycle of a research project. The role of an Experimentation Infrastructure Coordinator can build and leverage this capacity across an organisation.