Welcome to the latest edition of the EARMA newsletter. You will notice that we have moved our newsletter to a new system to ensure that we reach as many people in our community as possible. Our newsletter will now be hosted on a landing page with all the latest news that you need to know.
In this edition of the EARMA newsletter, we're asking you to join one of our Standing Committees, we're moving to the new EARMA Community Platform, join us in Belgrade for the first BESTPRAC thematic group meeting, we are hiring people for three positions, the EARMA Conference afterparty is quickly approaching, attend the online information session for our Certificate in Research Management, take part in one of our October courses, we are looking for venues for our 2024 Conference, we look back at the 9th meeting of the ERION group and all presentations and photos from the EARMA Conference are now available in our collaboration space.
Would you like to get more involved in EARMA? Apply to join one of the Standing Committees. Deadline for applications is June 24, 2022, 17:00 CEST. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join the EARMA Standing Committees and help with the continued improvement of the organisation and its services to members. Read more.
EARMA is transitioning to a new IT system and we are asking you to setup your profile in our new Community Platform. This new system will allow you to connect with colleagues, share best practice and engage with EARMA events all in one place.
Step 1) Click here to set up your account and follow the link to the welcome page.
Step 2) Select 'Existing EARMA member logging for the first time'.
Step 3) Go into the 'Edit Profile' area on the top right side of the webpage and ensure that your profile contains the essential information. Please complete all mandatory fields and include your country, address and VAT number where relevant.
Step 4) Scroll to the bottom of the 'Edit Profile' area and update your email preferences.
Please note that without this essential information, you will not be able to participate in EARMA conferences, events or activities. You may also experience errors during registration processes until you update or complete your profile.
We look forward to seeing you on the EARMA Community Platform and we hope to see you in-person very soon.
We are pleased to announce the first meeting of the BESTPRAC Thematic group, which will take place in person, at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia, September 6-7, 2022! BESTPRAC meetings continue to be an open and inclusive space for sharing best practices among RMAs, also aimed at providing guidance on the most relevant topics identified by our community. Read more.
Would you like to join our team? EARMA is growing and we will be hiring people for the following three positions:
- Senior RM Liaison/Senior Project Advisor
- Membership and (Online) Events Officer
- Project Assistant
Our summer break is almost here! Come and join us for a very informal event without an agenda, speeches or presentations on a cool online platform that enables fun virtual networking. Let’s meet up once more to reminisce about our Oslo conference in May. A great opportunity to connect with some speakers, contributors and colleagues before summer starts. If you didn’t attend the conference, feel free to join us in any case. Read more.
The next cohort for the EARMA Certificate in Research Management and Administration is due to start on the 25th of October 2022. If you would like to find out more, why not join the information session to be held on June 10th 2022 at 15:00 CEST. Read more.
The Early Stage Research Administrators Masterclass (ESRAM) is designed for people who have recently moved into research administration (RA) roles. RA roles can be in central support units, faculties, institutes or within specific funded projects.
ESRAM is delivered by experienced research managers and the aim of this course is to empower research administrators to undertake their new role with confidence, to present career pathways and give the participants an appreciation of the full research project life-cycle and related service tasks. Read more.
The European Certificate in Research Management is a training program targeted for practitioners in research management and administration. It is taught in a combination of workshops and self-study and is designed to be taken in parallel with a regular day job in entities such as Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), Research Funding Organisations (RFOs), Research Consultancy Companies and other research support service providers.
It is an accredited professional qualification, and upon the completion of the full program, the successful participant will be awarded a certificate and credits equal to 20 ECTS. Read more.
The call for the EARMA2024 conference venue is now open. We welcome bids from the entire European zone. All bids must be led by or have the support of the local, regional or national RMA communities. The deadline to submit the bids is September 20, 2022 and we expect to make a decision by latest December 2022. Read more.
The EARMA Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network (ERION) discussed international research and collaboration challenges during its 9th meeting on 10 May 2022 in Brussels. This was a very special event bringing together around 50 members of the community after two years of fully working online.
During the workshop, participants discussed the challenges for collaboration in the European Union and at international level with representatives from the European Commission, the Asia Pacific Research Integrity (APRI) Network and the African Research Integrity Networks. Read more.
We have curated presentations, posters and photos from the event and posted them for you in the "EARMA Conference 2022 attendees" collaboration space, an area on our website where you can view and share information with colleagues.
To access the collaboration space, log in to the EARMA website and on the top right side of the website you will see a tab for “Special Interest Groups”. Listed among the areas is “EARMA Conference 2022 attendees”. Select “View” to enter the space. If you did not attend the conference, you will not be able to access this area. Access here.