Welcome to the latest edition of the EARMA Newsletter. In this month's publication, submit your abstracts for the next EARMA Conference; we'll explore the future of RMA and AI as part of the EARMA AI Day event in Brussels; registration is closing soon for the BESTPRAC and EARMAimpact joint meeting in Ljubljana, the 12th Meeting of the EARMA Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network (ERION) is also taking place in Brussels, the EARMA Leadership Event 2023 will bring leaders of research performing organisations together for a special workshop, we have an article looking at the pre-INORMS Southern Africa Study Tour, join us for our International Research Administrators Day festivities or for the RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform: How to engage on the new EARMA online co-creation space on September 25th 2023, and an online event The Overheads Conundrum: Can a Research Support Office be Self-sustained? on October 26th, 2023. The EARMA Awards Committee will open the programme of grants and awards for the coming year and save the date for upcoming EARMA events.


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Odense round NL abstracts

Submit your abstracts for the next EARMA Conference

The Call for Abstracts for the next EARMA Conference is currently open! Last year, we received the highest number of abstracts ever, and we would like you to help us continue breaking this record. This year's theme is ‘Where is RMA Going? The Future of RMA in a Rapidly Changing World’ and topics include Operations and Planning; EARMA Thematic Group Themes; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Pre-Award; Post-Award; What can EARMA Do; IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future; and Leadership.

New challenges for RMAs are appearing every day across the research ecosystem, and RMAs are expected to adapt and absorb. Artificial intelligence, Academic Freedom and Integrity, Open Research, Education and Innovation, Professionalisation and Broadening of the Profession, EDI, these and many others are transforming the ‘traditional’ role of the RMA.

Make your submission today and we will see you in Odense, Denmark, April 23 - 25, 2024.


AI Day round nl July 2023

Exploring the future of RMA and AI with EARMA

We are inviting you to the EARMA AI Day. This one-day event has been specifically designed to provide members of the EARMA community with valuable insights into the world of AI in RMA. Our aim is to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to enhance your performance in your field. This conference offers a unique opportunity for you to gain valuable insights and stay ahead of the curve in your profession. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing this knowledge with you. This in-person event takes place in Brussels on November 10, 2023. Registration open.


 BESTPRAC EARMAimpact round

BESTPRAC and EARMAimpact joint meeting in Ljubljana

The BESTPRAC and EARMAimpact thematic groups will come together for a special joint meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This in-person meeting will focus on driving impactful collaboration - bridging BESTPRAC and EARMAimpact. Participation in both events is free of charge, and registration is open until September 4, 2023, but the deadline to register for Tuesday's dinner is by August 25, 2023. This in-person event, September 18 - 20, 2023, will mark a new era in collaboration between EARMA's thematic groups. Register today.


ERIONgroup Brussels round NL July 2023

12th Meeting of the EARMA Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network (ERION)

The 12th meeting of the ERION group will take place in Brussels, Belgium, November 21, 2023. ERION is the Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network within EARMA. It is an open community to discuss the practical and implementation side of Research Ethics and Integrity. The community is for all those that need to ensure compliance, efficiency, functionality, fairness, and robustness in the practices and processes in their organisation. Such people may have titles such as Ethics/Integrity Officer, Administrator, and many others. We will soon publish the programme of this event. Register.


EARMA Leadership Event 2023 round

EARMA Leadership Event 2023

Managers and leaders overseeing research, grants, or sponsored programs within research organisations are invited to participate in the EARMA Leadership Event 2023. The role of leading a research support office or fostering excellent research support for exceptional researchers is both inspiring and demanding. As a manager, you face day-to-day challenges, dilemmas, and strategic considerations that require action by you and your team. Balancing the expectations of rectors, faculties, individual researchers, funders, and authorities is essential. To address these issues, EARMA has created a tailor-made program for the Leadership Event, featuring insightful keynote presentations and collaborative peer learning groups for working and sharing ideas. This event takes place November 22 - 24, 2023, in-person in Brussels. Register


Southern Africa study tour

Learnings from the pre-INORMS Southern Africa Study Tour

The three research management associations, European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), The Danish Association for Research Managers and Administrators (DARMA) and SARIMA, with support from INORMS, the Society for Research Administrators International (SRAi), the Canadian Association of Research Administrators (CARA) and the UK Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) held a study tour to Southern Africa in the week leading up to the INORMS 2023 Congress in Durban. Seventeen research managers and administrators (RMAs) from institutions in Denmark, the UK, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Spain, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Belgium, Norway and Germany visited colleagues from universities in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gaborone, Stellenbosch and Cape Town. Read more.


Spreading the joy round nl July 2023

Spreading the joy: the work of the EARMA Awards Committee

EARMA is dedicated to nurturing an inclusive community through the implementation of various strategies. One such strategy involves the provision of grants and bursaries to enhance participation and promote inclusivity. The Awards Standing Committee (AC) of EARMA plays a pivotal role in this mission by allocating awards of up to €20k to EARMA members through a wide range of initiatives. In an upcoming webinar, Chris Knighting (Chair) and Nicolas Schulthess (Deputy Chair) will deliver a comprehensive overview of the Awards Committee's structure, procedures, and priorities to the attendees. This webinar will offer valuable insights into how the committee actively supports the ongoing growth of our dynamic EARMA community and will be a preview to the year ahead for grants and awards. It takes place September 28, 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 CEST. Register now.


RMA Day 2023 campfire

Campfire stories RMA Day 2023 edition

The EARMA campfire events provide a laid-back and informal platform for members of the EARMA community to connect virtually, promoting networking and enjoyment. It presents an ideal chance for collective celebration. Over the years, the International Research Administrators Day festivities have gained global recognition, and this year, EARMA is proud to organise its third campfire event in honour of this special day dedicated to research managers. Join us September 25, 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 CEST. Register now.


RM Roadmap pic

RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform: How to engage on the new EARMA online co-creation space

Join us for an introduction to the dynamic online co-creation platform created by the RM Roadmap project. This open-for-all event is an introduction for Research Managers (RM)  to a platform designed to connect professionals, fostering thematic and national collaborations through a new co-creation space. We want to emphasise that this event is accessible to all interested parties. The primary aim is to offer a comprehensive introduction to interacting with the RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform before the first session starts in October 2023. We invite every RM to engage and propel this co-creation process forward. Your presence and participation will undoubtedly be crucial to the success of this effort. Register today. 


The Overheads Conundrum: Can a Research Support Office be Self-sustained?

The Overheads Conundrum: Can a Research Support Office be Self-sustained?

Overhead money is often the source of a tug-of-war between research support offices and principal investigators. Institutional policies are often in place to regulate the use of overhead money. Yet there seem to be no right or good models that prevail. Hence discussions are ongoing and, at times, inconclusive. This session is being presented by members of EARMA’s Finance and Governance Committee as part of EARMA’s initiative to bring its committees closer to the RMA community.  Attendees will have the opportunity to interact and familiarise themselves with the Committee’s members while also engaging in a discussion that is believed to be very common among RMAs in their day-to-day work. Register now. 


Save the date July 2023 round

Upcoming events and courses - Save the date!

Please add your email address to our waiting lists below, and you will be contacted by our team when registration opens.

EARMA Early Stage Research Administrators Masterclass (Oct 24-26, 2023, in-person location to be announced soon) - fill in our expression of interest form to join the waiting list.

Open Science Thematic Group Meeting (Nov 22, 2023, in-person Brussels, Belgium) - fill in our expression of interest form to join the waiting list.