Welcome to the latest edition of the EARMA newsletter. In this month's publication:


  • Call for abstracts for the INORMS Congress 2025 in Madrid hosted by EARMA opens mid-June
  • EARMA thematic group on Research Management and AI Tools now officially live
  • EARMA Annual General Assembly (AGA) postponed to June 25
  • EARMA hosts FP10 position paper information session with R&I experts
  • Mapping exercise for training, mobility, networking and funding opportunities for research managers across Europe
  • 13th ERION event takes place in Brussels
  • The EARMAimpact thematic group has some exciting initiatives coming up
  • Save the date: BESTPRAC event in Lyon
  • Save the date: 2nd Open Science EARMA thematic group event
  • Partner webinar: Elevating research impact - exploring the power of open research​
  • Expressions of interest for the EARMA Conference 2026 venue


Want to view previous EARMA newsletters? Visit our archive



Inorms Madrid 2025 nl may 24

Call for abstracts for the INORMS Congress 2025 Madrid hosted by EARMA opens mid-June

In 2025, EARMA will have the honour of hosting the INORMS Congress in the vibrant city of Madrid, Spain. This milestone event will be the first time EARMA has hosted the INORMS Congress. Our theme, 'A Sustainable Profession in a Sustainable World,' highlights the crucial role research managers can play in advancing the green transition. With the call for abstracts opening in the middle of this month, we invite you to be among the first to contribute your ideas and insights. Given the expected high interest in this prestigious gathering, we encourage early submissions. It's time to start crafting your excellent proposals! More


 AI group nl May 24

EARMA thematic group on Research Management and AI Tools now officially live

The EARMA thematic group on Research Management and AI Tools is now officially live, following approval by the EARMA Board. The purpose of the group is to create a shared forum for best practice sharing of AI tools within the European research management community. The group will be administered by a core group of EARMA members, consisting of Erlend Haarvardsholm, Hiwa Målen, John Judge, Martin Scott, Styliani Petroudi, Ellen Schenk, Erika Kurucz and Mads Lykke Berggreen. The core group wishes to express our thanks for the support we have received already, both from EARMA staff and community members. We invite the group members to share their questions, experiences and ideas either via the official EARMA special interest group or on our LinkedIn group.


AGA June 2024

EARMA Annual General Assembly (AGA) postponed to June 25

The EARMA Annual General Assembly (AGA) has been postponed and will now take place June 25, 2024, 12:00-13:00 CEST. In accordance with Article 14 of the statutes of the association, we are kindly asking for your participation in voting for the Annual Report, Internal Auditor’s Report 2024, Treasurer’s Report with accounts for 2023, the draft audit report for 2023, EARMA membership fees, and appointment of Treasurer, two Board members and internal auditors. The voting link will be sent to institutional membership administrators and individual members. All members are welcome to join, but for voting purposes each institutional member is allowed just one representative. Your participation and engagement in this annual event are highly valued, and we look forward to your contributions towards the continued success of EARMA. More


FP10 - a discussion

EARMA hosts FP10 position paper information session with R&I experts

The European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) hosted an insightful webinar on May 28, 2024, to present its new position paper on the forthcoming EU Framework Programme 10 (FP10). Titled "The Research Manager and Administrator Community’s Voice on FP10," the event featured a panel of distinguished speakers who offered their perspectives on the future of European research. Moderated by EARMA Chair Dipti Pandya, the session included contributions from Georg Schütte, Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation and member of the High-Level Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe and the Future of FP10; Joachim Wiemann, Deputy Head of Unit for Common Strategic Planning & Programming Service at DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission; Eleonora Zuolo, PRC Chair and Board representative; and Daniel Spichtinger, Co-chair of the EARMA Open Science Thematic Group. More


RM Roadmap

Mapping exercise for training, mobility, networking and funding opportunities for research managers across Europe ​

One of the aims of the RM Roadmap project is to map existing training, mobility, networking and funding opportunities for research managers across Europe. The information collected will be showcased in a dashboard/online tool so that research managers can benefit from a “catalogue of opportunities”, which will be made public, open to all and aggregated in a unique online location. A printed catalogue with the information collected will also be presented to the European Commission as part of the project’s deliverables. We ask for your kind support and collaboration to help us identify any specific opportunities for research managers taking place in your country or community, or even more wide-reaching ones. We would then kindly ask you to please use your RM contacts list, especially those who are responsible for/involved in any training, mobility, networking and funding opportunities, to collect this information by asking them to complete this online template by the June 24, 2024Complete the survey

Please be advised that the next co-creation session of the RM Roadmap project will commence November 14, 2024.



13th ERION event takes place in Brussels

We were delighted to host the Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network (ERION) at the EARMA office May 15, 2024. This community is essential in both fostering good scientific practices and establishing policies and procedures to address potential research misconduct, as well as preventing questionable practices. The topic was 'Working for the Best... But Ready for the Worst', and the event covered general aspects such as the European framework and proposals for a coordinated approach, exploring specific challenges affecting scientific publications, predatory journals, and AI. A huge thank you to everyone that joined us in Brussels.


impact group nl may 24

Join the EARMAimpact core group

We are very pleased to announce the call for core group members and Chairs for the EARMAimpact thematic group. EARMAimpact is an open, international thematic group within EARMA established to address the meaning, implementation and evidencing of impact within research projects, primarily from the perspective of research Managers and administrators working in the European higher education (HE) sector. Why get involved? You'll have the opportunity to influence the development and direction of this inspiring community, enhance your professional network by collaborating with like-minded peers, gain leadership experience and contribute to your professional development. Read more and apply.

Save the date - EARMAimpact in-person meeting Brussels September 24

EARMAimpact will meet at the EARMA office in Brussels September 24, 2024, 09:00-16:00. The thematic group will present their work during the last two years, welcome new core group members, elect the Chairs and shape the new workplan. These meetings are always a great way to gather more nuggets of information and get interesting insights on the important topic of impact. Network, find your tribe and learn more about the exciting upcoming EARMAimpact training programme. Registration will open soon in the EARMA website events section.

EARMAimpact lunchtime webinars series

Starting in October 2024, the EARMAimpact thematic group will host lunchtime webinars on the second Wednesday of each month. These sessions will run from 13:00-14:00 CEST and will focus on impact-related practical tools and resources. Read the schedule.



Register for the October BESTPRAC event in Lyon

Join us for the 3rd BESTPRAC EARMA thematic group event will take place in Lyon, France, October 14-15, 2024, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, Descartes Campus. BESTPRAC, the largest thematic group within EARMA, is a dynamic community of practice for research management and administration (RMA) professionals. This event offers a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with fellow professionals. While the agenda will be released soon, registration is already open. Don't miss out on this chance to be part of an engaging and informative gathering. Register


Open Science

Save the date: 2nd Open Science EARMA thematic group event

The second EARMA Open Science Thematic Group event is scheduled for September 18-19, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. This group is comprised of research managers dedicated to open access policies and objectives. More information about the agenda, registration, and speakers will be available on our website soon. We look forward to your participation! 


Digital Science NL

Partner webinar: Elevating research impact - exploring the power of open research​

Join us for a webinar hosted by EARMA partner Digital Science, where a panel of experts will explore the dynamic realm of open research. Find out how data across the research lifecycle can unveil fresh perspectives and enhance research impact. Our speakers include Ann Campbell, Technical Solutions Manager at Digital Science, and Mark Hahnel, VP Open Research at Digital Science and Founder of Figshare. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! Mark your calendars for October 3, 2024, from 14:00-15:30 CEST, and join us online via the EARMA website. Registration is free but required for participation. Register


Bid 2026

Expressions of interest for the EARMA Conference 2026 venue

EARMA is currently inviting interested parties, in particular sister associations, RMA networks and EARMA members, to contact us in relation to possible venues for the EARMA Conference 2026. Applications can be made until Tuesday June 25, 2024. Read more about the criteria and complete the survey.