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Join the EARMAimpact core group

Join the EARMAimpact core group

Published 10/06/2024

Become a core member of our IMPACT community!
This is an open call for core group (CG) members and Chairs. We invite EARMA members to make a decisive step and help in shaping the thematic group on IMPACT.

EARMAimpact is an open, international thematic group within EARMA. It has been established to address the meaning, implementation and evidencing of impact within research projects, primarily from the perspective of research managers and administrators working in the European higher education (HE) sector. 

Why join as a CG member/as a Chair?
Influence the development and direction of our community. Enhance your professional network by collaborating with like-minded peers. Gain leadership experience and contribute to your professional development. Make a meaningful impact. 

What are my tasks as a CG member? As a CG member you are actively contributing to the community and plan to stay for two years (Stepping back for personal reasons is always possible). CG members are expected to:

  1. Participate in regular meetings (4-6 per year) to strategise and drive initiatives.
  2. Elect the Chairs for the next period.
  3. Shape the workplan by taking responsibility for one of the subtopic groups 
    and engage in one of the below:
  • Organise webinars and events that facilitate learning, networking and professional growth.
  • Support our communications efforts to ensure our community stays connected, informed, and engaged.
  • Aim for conference contributions on impact for the broader RM community.

What are my tasks as a Chair? With the help of your 2 Co-Chairs you will:

  • Facilitate meeting culture and decision making within the core group.
  • Liase with EARMA Board members and staff.
  • Represent EARMAimpact in the TG Forum (forum of EARMA thematic groups).
  • Represent EARMAimpact when liasing with other impact related professional groups or in EARMA strategic events and conferences.
  • Stay for two years, if possible.
  • See CG member tasks.

Good to know: To join as a core member, you must be a current member of EARMA and be willing to engage and contribute actively. This is a community group and no remuneration is offered for core group members and Chairs. However, EARMA is helping with the organisation of events and training.

How to apply: If you are passionate about research impact and eager to contribute your skills and insights to this community, we want to hear from you. Please email a brief statement on why you want to join the core group, your background and current affiliation. Read more about the current working groups. At the meeting in September, we will collectively decide on how to shape the work programme and subtopics with your input.

Please send your statement via email to the chairing trio: Petra,, Anja,, and Jan,

Deadline for applications: July 15, 2024