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Calls for EARMA Chair, Board members and Internal Auditor

Calls for EARMA Chair, Board members and Internal Auditor

Call for Chairperson of the Association

(Deadline for application 18:00 CEST April 1, 2023)
You are hereby invited to submit your candidature for becoming EARMA Chairperson.

The EARMA Chairperson is elected for a two-year period, and will take on the responsibility for delivering the Association’s goals as set forth by the members on the General Assembly. The Board term operates from September 1 to August 31 each year. The work of the Board is defined in the Statutes article 14. To stand for election you must provide:

a) A short – not more than one page – description of your background, motivation and commitment to become the Chairperson of the Association.
b) A written, signed letter of commitment from your home institution/organisation, (if you are in a position of employment).

Please e-mail your application (maximum of 2 A4 pages) to before 18:00 CEST April 1, 2023.

The Terms of Reference detailing the role of the Board can be found below in Annex 1. As Chairperson, you should be ready to engage in the following activities:

Every four weeks a two-hour tele-meeting with the Board, 5-6 face-to-face two-day Board meetings, participation in and contribution to EARMA events, participation in and contribution to the Annual Conference. Represent EARMA as appropriate. If and when required take the responsibility for Board activities, as campaigns, Treasurer, Secretary or other. Finally, you are expected to take responsibility in the Board, together with other Board members, for one or more EARMA standing committee.

The Chairperson shall oversee the finances, legal issues, line management of the Managing Director and the overall progress of the work plan as well as the work of the programmes. The Chairperson is also responsible for managing third parties.

Call for EARMA Ordinary Board member

(Deadline for application 18:00 CEST April 1, 2023)
You are hereby invited to submit your candidature for becoming an EARMA Board member.

Board members are elected for a two-year period, and shall be willing to take on the responsibility to carry out the goals of the Association as set forth by the members on the General Assembly. The Board term operates from the September 1 to August 31 each year. The work of the Board is defined in the Statutes article 14. To stand for election you have to provide:

1. A short – not more than one page – description of your background, motivation, and commitment to become a Board member.
2. A written, signed letter of commitment from your home institution/organisation (where you are in a position of employment).

We are looking for experienced research managers and administrators to join the Board. The Terms of Reference detailing the role of the Board can be found below in Annex 1. The two candidates with highest number of votes will be elected for a two-year period. The two candidates with the next highest number of votes but not elected may become substitutes. All members of the Board act on a voluntary basis.

Please e-mail your application (maximum of 2, A4 pages) to before 18:00 CEST April 1, 2023.

As a board member you should be ready to engage in the following activities:

Every three weeks a one to two-hour tele-meeting with the Board, 5-6 face-to-face two-day Board meetings (mostly in Leuven, Belgium), per annum normally involving part of a weekend, participation in and contribution to the Annual Conference and represent EARMA as appropriate. You are expected to take responsibility in the Board, together with other Board members, for one or more of EARMA’s standing-committees.


Call for EARMA Internal Auditor

(Deadline for application 18:00 CEST April 1, 2023)

You are hereby invited to submit your candidature for becoming an EARMA Internal Auditor.

The EARMA Internal Auditors are elected for a two-year period and shall be willing to take on the responsibility to carry out the internal auditing and review of the EARMA accounts & activities and present an internal audit report for and at the General Assembly. The work of the auditors is defined in the Statutes article 10, 16 and 17.

EARMA has an external Accounting Service and external statutory Auditors. To stand for election you have to provide:

1. A short – not more than one page – description of your background, motivation, and commitment to become an Internal Auditor member
2. A written, signed letter of commitment from your home institution/organisation (if you are in a position of employment).

Internal Auditors act on a voluntary basis. It is expected that the internal auditors will understand and have experience of financial management & accounts and internal systems of control and governance. Internal Auditors have a one day meeting each year with the Accountants, External Auditors, and Treasurer in Leuven.

Please e-mail your application (maximum of 2, A4 pages) to before 18:00 CEST April 1, 2022.