EARMA Conference Prague 2023


Scientific career path policy in RadboudUMC

Implementation of the Research leader policy – challenges and successes


Martijn Gerretsen


  • D
    Dagmar Eleveld-Trancikova
  • N
    Nathalie Bovy
  • B
    Berendien Dondergoor
  • A
    Arthur Willemsen


EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Poster

Topic: Policy, Strategy, Evaluation and Foresight

Session: 📋 Poster Session

Tuesday 25 April 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (UTC)


Radboud University medical centre in Nijmegen, The Netherlands has recently developed the Scientific career path policy (SCP) to offer a framework for a transparent and fair path towards independent (clinical) academics, staff scientists at university, or leaders in our globalized community. It considers distinct talents, individualized training, the need for leadership and internationalization, and a fair selection and promotion process that involves transparent criteria covering more than simple bibliographic or grant metrics.
For many young people, who do a PhD or postdoc, an academic career is the professional goal they aspire. However, only a fraction of them can obtain a permanent position at university, most others become fact-based problem-solvers elsewhere in society with excellent career perspectives.
Therefore, the SCP focuses on the every stage of the academic track to make it clear from the beginning, what the mutual expectations and procedures are.
The Research leadership track, which we recently started to implement, is the most delicate part of the whole SCP, since that is the initial formal step and assessment towards research group leader and academic leadership. In close collaboration with all stakeholders and according the recent Dutch developments (such as introduction of Strategy Evaluation Protocol 2021-2027 and Recognitions and Rewards movement in 2019) the adjusted set of criteria and assessment procedure has been developed recognizing the different contribution to knowledge utilization, impact and development of the (aspects of) teams science. Challenges we face are: 1. good implementation of these procedure for clinicial scientist; 2. movement of the Strategic personal planning from the level of the department to the level of the research institute, with the challenge to safeguard the good balance between a stable and dynamic system; 3. Understanding and embracing the career perspectives and concomitant criteria by candidates and their supervisors; 4. training of the assessment committee(s) members in assessment of the strategy, leadership skills beyond the simple metrics and recognizing the different development paths of the candidates.
The process of policy development and its implementation includes the number of stakeholders, starting with academics themselves, but also HR representatives, financial and business control department as well as the Research Institute board and department heads. All having their own interests, expectations and way of communication/ language. This team effort leads to fruitful but sometimes long processes, but it is worth it. In the presentation best practice and the pitfalls for the RMA will be discussed.