EARMA Conference Prague 2023


Impact potential through knowledge exchange data

Using Research Information Management System (CRIS/RIMS) data on knowledge exchange to identify future impact


James Toon


  • G
    Gavin Reddick


EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Poster

Topic: Impact

Session: 📋 Poster Session

Tuesday 25 April 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (UTC)


Research Information Management systems (CRIS/RIM) allow for the capture of information on a wide variety of content types, including persons, organisations, funding and project data, research infrastructures and a host of research output formats. The use of the full scope of output entities is a core value proposition for research information management within research institutions and a driver to CRIS/RIMS adoption, through enabling a more comprehensive analysis of research activity, both qualitative and quantitative.

Included in these research output types are information on knowledge exchange activities (defined by the ESRC as a two-way exchange between researchers and research users, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills[1]), including entities such as conference and seminar presentations, membership of panels and committees, other professional activities, press and media attention or prizes that may be interlinked with other related entities – such as records of externally funded projects, partnerships with industry, or use of research equipment/facilities.

As many institutions, governments and funding agencies seek to understand the contribution of their research investments on society and the economy, so is there an increasing need to understand how institutional activity (as recorded by a variety of systems/databases) can be utilised to maximum effect in the planning/development of impact.

Our poster aims to present data on the knowledge exchange activities captured through the lens of a CRIS/RIM system (as typified by Pure in this context) by type, volume, person, project and subject. Using this data and working together with the analytical experience of the Interfolio Researchfish team, we aim to understand the correlation between knowledge exchange recorded as research outcomes and the subsequent identification of impact, both potential and as validated through an understanding of related evidence.

We look to identify which forms of knowledge exchange captured in CRIS/RIM systems have an established link to future impacts and how institutions may improve their processes through a systematic analysis of data. A better understanding of the data recorded in such systems can be used to manage how institutions plan to evidence the effect, change or benefits to society brought about by knowledge exchange activity.

As a result, we seek to understand the scale of potential impact that could be captured as indicated by knowledge exchange activity. In doing so, and through proposing an algorithmic approach to monitoring activity data as they are entered into institutional systems, we aim to support impact and KE efforts through;

• Planning knowledge exchange activity to maximise visibility and accessibility of research
• Support the identification, evaluation and reporting of impact in its many forms, and;
• To identify pathways likely to demonstrate impact in the future.

The poster is intended to help CRIS/RIM system managers, together with their knowledge exchange and Impact counterparts, understand the potential of data contained within their systems and to aid the ongoing challenge of identification and evaluation of impact within their respective institutions.

[1] Defining impact – UKRI n.d. https://www.ukri.org/councils/esrc/impact-toolkit-for-economic-and-social-sciences/defining-impact/ (accessed September 15, 2022).