EARMA Conference Prague 2023


foRMAtion educational module and mentorship

foRMAtion: a unique initiative to train and mentor university students as potential future RMAs


Virág Zsár


  • C
    Cristina Oliveira
  • M
    Margarida Trindade


EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Poster

Topic: Professional Development and Recognition

Session: 📋 Poster Session

Tuesday 25 April 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (UTC)


The project foRMAtion was running between 2019 and 2022 with the aim of giving a glimpse on the RMA profession for university students, making it attractive and recognized.

An innovative educational module was developed and tested at the three partner universities based in Portugal, Hungary and Romania. The curriculum includes topics related to research methodology & design, research funding, policy & governance, project integration & management, as well as research impact & engagement. Teaching methods apply the Project Based Learning methodology and include numerous innovative and smart tools. This set up was successful delivered both in online and offline environment.

This was backed by an international mentorship programme based on a specifically developed guide, during which students were mentored by experienced RMAs of partner organizations and universities.

Besides, an online textbook and self-development tool was also elaborated, tested and made available for the broad RMA community facilitating the training of early career RMAs.
Short-term impacts of the project were identified at various levels, such as the level of:
- students becoming aware of the RMA profession and motivated towards it as a career choice, extending their knowledge and developed their skills and competencies;
- teachers and researchers understanding better the R&I funding system and the job roles of RMAs, improving skills and capacities,
- university administration and leadership acknowledging the need for skilled RMAs and well-organized research support offices, benefiting from enlarged education portfolio, and so on.

Though the project ended, alliances were set up by involving additional research performing organizations based in Europe aiming to adopt and adapt the module and the mentorship programme to their institutional environment. The poster aims to provide an overview on the main activities, outcomes and outputs of the project to provide sources for knowledge, skill and capacity development opportunities for RMAs and research support offices, but also to make a teaser for their potential adoption and adaptation all over the world.