EARMA Conference Prague 2023


Organising research support “from scratch”

Setting processes & forming a team in a newly established research unit in a university - an exiting experiment


Izabela Raszczyk



EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Poster

Topic: Organising Support Services & Team Building

Session: 📋 Poster Session

Tuesday 25 April 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (UTC)


The presentation aims to explain three different paths that have been taken to establish a research support / administrative office in a newly established scientific unit within a university. The three cases refer to 3 out of 14 research centres set up within the International Research Agendas Programme (IRAP) of the Polish Foundation for Science co-funded from ERDF: International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, and Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies. IRAP centres work towards a similar goal as Teaming for Excellence centres, in some cases IRAP provided the national contribution for Teaming projects.

The IRAP idea is: excellent research potential combined with strategic partnership from highly ranked advanced partners, both in research excellence but also in HR policy, R&D management, commercialisation of R&D results. Obviously this cannot happen without research support in place.

What challenges did emerge for organizing research support? How did it go with forming a team, internationalization, clash of various organizational cultures, working environments, high expectations towards achieving excellence, necessity to set processes “from scratch” on the one hand and to combine with the processes in place within the “hosting” university on the other hand? How are the centres doing now in terms of research support? What is the future vision?
Visit the poster presentation to learn more on these exciting experiments.