EARMA Conference Oslo


The History of EARMA


Cristina Oliveira


  • P
    Pia Levin


EARMA Conference Oslo

Format: Poster

Topic: EARMA and professional associations


EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RM&As) in Europe. As such, its history is also the history of the RMAs in Europe and the dedicated individuals engaged in making it a true collaborative and European professional community.
We look back on the first 25 years of EARMA, and will showcase its most relevant milestones, the drivers behind them and the dedicated people that put their heart and soul into bringing EARMA to the enrich and vibrant community that is currently.
Information will be collected from the existing documentation (such as the annual reports, meeting minutes and newsletters) and by interviewing past EARMA Board members and other key actors involved during the years.

Learning outcomes:
Overview of EARMA history, its key milestones and actors
Recognize the EARMA role in the development of the RMA profession in Europe