EARMA Conference Oslo


Adapting to the new policies – turning IBEC into a fully open institute


Cristina Arimany



EARMA Conference Oslo

Format: Poster

Topic: Open Science & Responsible Research & Innovation


Open science is a policy priority for the European Commission and the standard method of working under its research and innovation funding programmes.
As open science is one of the strategic areas of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the Strategic Initiatives unit at IBEC, in charge of the overall institutional positioning strategy of IBEC, has adapted its structure to foster our work on this field. We have incorporated two new members, one of them is in charge of publications and data management and the other one is responsible for the open education and citizens science activities.
In order to adapt to this new open access policies, we have prepared a series of novel training, services and structures related to IBEC’s knowledge management, including publications and research data, aiming to make easier the work of our researchers and reach the desired excellence in these areas. IBEC’s Research Data Management Policy.
We are also working on the development of a dedicated section about open science in IBEC’s webpage where all the educational activities and training resources developed will be available.
To include open science in our research projects, we have also created a template for researchers with all the educational and citizens’ activities that we have already running so they can include any of them in their new proposals in Horizon Europe. These include from patients’ forums to educational activities for rural primary schools among many others. We are as well open to include and develop any new suggestion that they may have.
Although we already have a vast experience in outreach and education, we have started new projects around citizen science, with the involvement of citizens in the design and development of some research projects.
As this is still a very new field we are adapting and growing every day to meet the needs we are facing. We are very motivated, and we would love to share our experience so others can take any ideas from it and implement them in other research centres.