European Research Strategy
A systematic approach towards Horizon Europe that activates resreachers.
Format: Pecha Kucha
Topic: Policy, Strategy, Evaluation and Foresight
Session: FOR3 - Post-Award, Policy & Strategy: 4 separate Pecha Kuchas
Thursday 5 May 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. (UTC)
To foster a systematic approach of PIs and resreach groups towards HEU we developed a workshop series with the following purpose:
1) To develop a structured and personalized application plan for PIs, groups and departments for the various HEU programmes and calls for over the coming 4 years. 2) To outline the support need to execute this plan (capacity building, hiring, matchmaking,…) Our target group: were research groups and PIs who wish to develop a structured plan for their funding activities in the first 4 years of Horizon Europe (European Research Strategy); the workshops were open of all PIs.
1) PIs had an understand the EU funding landscape, know how to plan ahead and have a clear and realistic process to follow for the coming 4 years, including a detailed schedule for the calls for the first 2 years.
2) The reserch groups have developed an understanding and plan for:
Who are the ERC PIs,
Who are the Marie Curie PIs,
Who are the global challenge (consortia) PIs,
Who are the “close to industry / innovation” PIs in our group?
And how do we get there.
3) Increased cooperation between research groups Univerisity internally.
4) less and more intersting work for the research support
In this Pecha Kucha we present the conecpt, methodology and first results of the European Research Startegy.