Assessment of the impact of research and innovation projects sponsored by the European Commission: insights from a case studies approach
Format: Pecha Kucha
Topic: Impact
Session: FOR5 - Impact: 5 separate Pecha Kuchas
Friday 6 May 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. (UTC)
Research impact assessment is a “wicked” issue as it involves necessarily tangible and intangible aspects. This may include e.g. scientific outputs and economic impacts, but also tacit knowledge, social and environmental impacts, by nature often more difficult to appraise. The topic of circular bioeconomy, at the intersection of the circular economy and bioeconomy concepts, will be used as a case study to demonstrate how the impact of research projects on the society at large can be assessed. Those attending will gain a practical perspective about how to assess research impact and about short, medium and long-term effects of research topics driven by public policies.