Deadline: November 22, 2022

We currently have up to 10 travel bursaries of €500 available for accepted speakers for the EARMA Conference taking place from April 24 - 26, 2023, in Prague.

Conference Speaker bursaries are open to all accepted speakers for the 2023 conference, with an emphasis on supporting:

  • First time speakers
  • Speakers from widening countries
  • Speakers with abstracts featuring transnational collaborations

These bursaries are in all cases comprised of a single, lump-sum payment of €500. Awardees may use this to cover any out-of-pocket costs associated with taking part in the proposed conference.
In all cases, payment of the award will be made only once a final report has been submitted to and accepted by the EARMA Awards Committee. EARMA reserves the right to publish such reports in EARMA communication channels (e.g. EARMA newsletter, website). No detailed justification of costs is necessary.


The following eligibility rules must be met for all applicants and clearly demonstrated within applications:

  • All types of EARMA members who have a current active membership and will have a membership in 2023 may apply
  • Applicants must also be members of EARMA for at least the previous membership year
  • Applicants should not already be in receipt of EARMA travel support for the same event (in this instance for the 2023 Annual Conference)
  • Applicants who received an EARMA grant in the immediately preceding year are ineligible
  • Applicants should only apply for personal bursary support and avoid scenarios where the subsidy is intended for colleagues who are ordinarily ineligible under the published eligibility rules
  • Board and Award Committee members are ineligible for this award, and remain so for 3 years after the end of their term

Selection criteria (to be clearly evidenced within applications)

All submitted applications will be checked for eligibility by EARMA in line with the conditions set out in the previous section. Where applications are judged to be fully eligible, the following selection criteria will be applied by the Awards Committee when making its recommendations for awards:

  1. The strength of the case made to demonstrate the impact and enhancement to the individual and to their professional development
  2. The strength of the contribution to be made in support of EARMA’s stated objectives 
  3. The strength of the contribution to be made in support of the applicants’ institutional objectives
  4. The extent to which the applicant will share, disseminate, and implement the output(s) of their experience within their own organisation and their wider professional network

Calls, decisions & notification

Candidates will be ranked according to the criteria described above and applications which are ranked highest will be considered for award. However, EARMA reserves the right to not grant awards to applications regardless of ranking based on a Board decision or recommendation by the Awards Committee (AC).

All applications will be evaluated by the EARMA Awards Committee. The Committee will make recommendations to the EARMA Board which will be reviewed for ratification at the next EARMA Board meeting.

Successful applicants will receive a written notification of the outcome of their application following the Board meeting at which it is considered.

Travel arrangements and insurance

Applicants are responsible for their own travel and subsistence arrangements and must be eligible for foreign travel and have appropriate visas, inoculations etc. They should arrange their own travel insurance either through their employing organisation or through their own efforts. EARMA cannot accept any responsibility for any of these matters or for any of the consequences that might arise where the applicant does not make adequate preparation. EARMA is not liable for any element going wrong in travel or other arrangements. EARMA is only providing a financial incentive. 

How to apply?

Those who have submitted an abstract will be contacted with a confirmation of acceptance. As part of this confirmation message, a link will be sent to a form to apply for an EARMA speaker bursary.

Contact us for further information

For further information about the EARMA Travel Grants, please contact, with any questions about the programme.

Deadline: November 22, 2022, 23:59 CET. Those selected will be informed around December 16, 2022. We wish you every success with your application.