We are very pleased to announce the opening of the RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform.

We have reached a pivotal moment for the research management (RM) community in Europe. The RM Roadmap project consortium needs your support to ensure that the voices of research managers (RMs) are heard at the highest levels.

The European Commission (EC) and countries across Europe want to better understand the current research management ecosystem. Your knowledge and expertise is needed as part of this consultation.


How do I access the Knowledge and Community Platform?

You do not need to be an EARMA member to participate in the co-creation sessions and there is no charge to take part. If you have an EARMA account, use your EARMA account to log in and join the RM Roadmap groups. If you do not have an EARMA account, register for the RM Roadmap groups. This video serves as a guide to access the platform.


What is happening?

The RM Roadmap project co-creation process will see research managers from 40 nations across Europe discussing the current research management landscapes in their countries.

RMs will join a conversation in an exciting new online space (the Knowledge and Community Platform) about the research management profession, one discussion group per country, led by the national RM Roadmap Ambassador. Find out who your country’s Ambassador is via the list.

Following the discussion, the RM Roadmap Ambassador will create a consensus document for the specific country. Then the national community will vote on the consensus document and this information will go forward to inform the European Commission (EC) and European RM communities.

Watch the Knowledge and Community Platform demonstration video


Co-creation session 1 timeline

You discuss the session 1 topic on the Knowledge and Community Platform


October 2 - October 13, 2023


Ambassadors work on the consensus document

October 16 - October 27, 2023


You vote on the consensus document via a poll

October 30 - November 10, 2023


Why is this happening?

The RM Roadmap project consortium wants to create a plan to professionalise research management in Europe. This co-creation exercise will support the creation of that plan, which is meant to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA).


Who should take part?

Research management includes a broad range of professionals working with researchers to achieve excellence in research and we want to include the full variety of individuals that make up the RM community. The participation of research managers (RMs) from across Europe will ensure that a diverse range of perspectives is captured in the project's outcomes.  This will allow RM Roadmap and the connected EU policy (ERA Action 17) to create a better situation for research managers to benefit the R&I system.


Further information

You can consult our RM Roadmap co-creation session guides and FAQs.


Get involved, let your colleagues know and share your views. Your participation will be crucial in bringing about real change for the research management community in Europe.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101058475.