EARMA members can secure a €500 lump sum grant as a contribution towards travel costs incurred to visit colleagues in other organisations for professional development purposes or to attend annual conferences/relevant events hosted by RMA organisations recognised by INORMS and EARMA. Examples of such organisations include ARMA-UK, SARIMA or NCURA but a more complete (not exhaustive) list can be consulted here.



Call Status: Open

EARMA Travel Grant: EARMA-led events linked to external Association Calendars (Event Access Award)

Scope and objectives 
Up to five (5) Event Access Award Travel Grants of €500 as a contribution to travel costs are available for eligible applicants towards visits to colleagues in other RI’s for professional development purposes or to attend annual conferences/relevant events hosted by RMA organisations recognised by INORMS and EARMA. The award may be used for flight tickets or registration fees. Payment of the award will take place after a final report has been submitted and approved by the EARMA Board.

The following eligibility rules must be met for all applicants:

  • Applicants must have a minimum of two years’ experience in research management and administration.
  • All current EARMA members (individual and institutional) of good standing may apply.
  • Applicants must be members of EARMA for at least the previous membership year.
  • Board and Award Committee members are ineligible and remain so for three years after the end of their term.

Given the above, members may not hold grants in consecutive years or two grants in the same calendar year.

Selection criteria
1. To what extent does the application align with the mission of EARMA?
2. To what extent will the proposed activity enhance and contribute directly to:

- The applicant’s specific professional development goals?
- The applicant’s current work in research management and administration?

3. How effective and appropriate are the measures to share the knowledge gained back to the applicant’s organisation, EARMA, and beyond?

Each of the three criteria will carry equal weighting.

Two of the Grants are earmarked for applicants working for/ or visiting institutions in COST 
Inclusiveness Target Countries.

Application process
The EARMA-led external events has a dedicated application form that must be filled out by the specified deadline. 
Please complete the form on SurveyMonkey.

Round deadlines

  • October 03, 2024
  • November 01, 2024
  • January 03, 2025
  • January 31, 2025
  • March 28, 2025
  • May 29, 2025

Evaluation and notification
The submission process for this award will be conducted on a rolling basis until all grants have been awarded, so we recommend applying early. Please note that the application survey will close when all award recipients are decided upon.


Please find the schedule below to learn more about the awards:

EARMA Awards Committee: 2024/25 Awards Schedule