EARMAimpact is an active community of expert practitioners specialising in many aspects of research support. The main purpose of this thematic group is to provide a forum for knowledge-sharing and collaboration in order to facilitate changes required to support the increasingly “impact-driven” research culture that exists in the European Higher Education (HE) sector.

The group intends to investigate barriers in impact awareness and identify opportunities for practitioners to increase their knowledge of and skills in research impact. EARMAimpact will discuss, assess and advise on relevant guidelines, policies and procedures. We shall also issue advice where needed on appropriate actions institutional, national and international levels.

Collaboration space

You can participate in EARMAimpact by joining the special collaboration space on EARMA's community platform. Join the group.

EARMAimpact core group members

Andreas Westermoen
Anja Smykowski (Chair)
Craig Aaen-Stockdale
Elina Rossi
Emma Siddall
Harald Hasler-Sheetal
Jan Andersen (Chair)
Karina Kössler
Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk 
Marika Kowalska
Mattia Grandi
Petra Auer-Nahold (Chair)
Tim van Veen
Anna Raask

Warm thanks to Aurelija Povilaike, Ana Rita Rodriguez and Chris Knighting who helped us with their knowledge, skills and engagement to start up the thematic group. They are no longer in the core group but will hopefully still participate as active group members.

EARMAimpact work programme

EARMAimpact work programme is organised in subtopic groups (SG) – If you want to get involved, please contact the CG member in charge.

SG1 - Stakeholder analysis 

t.p.van.veen@umcg.nl  Tim van Veen

SG2 - EARMA impact policy & history

jande@sdu.dk  Jan Andersen

SG3 – ESR analyses

Katarzyna.Walczyk-Matuszyk@cpbue.pl  Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk

SG4 - Evaluation and evidence of impact

craig.aaen-stockdale@bi.no  Craig Aaen-Stockdale

SG5 - Impact culture & training

a.b.smykowski@umcg.nl  Anja Smykowski

SG6 - Interaction of different disciplines

auer-nahold@tugraz.at  Petra Auer-Nahold