🟣 Pecha Kucha Session on Professional Development and Recognition topics
Category: Pecha Kucha | Topic: Professional Development and Recognition
Tuesday 25 April 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Europe/Prague)
North Hall
🟣 "Your 1st Data Management Plan" by Jake Reardon
🟣 "Lessons learned from a project manager’s evolution" by Annemarie Vastenhouw-van der Linden
🟣 "Research Managers Make Research Go Well" by Colleen Thomas
🟣 "The power of BESTPRAC" by Edwin Kanters
🟣 "NL RM Roadmap" by Andreja Zulim de Swarte
🟣 "RMA Traineeship Scheme to attract new talents" by Martina Miechová
🟣 "Research Administrator Job Satisfaction" by Noelle Strom
🟣 "The Researcher’s Adventures in RMA Wonderland" by Olaf Svenningsen
🟣 "Professional onboarding for RMA newcomers" by Stefan Apitz
🟣 "Career changes for mature RMAs" by Susi Poli