INORMS 2025 Post-Congress Study Tour of Spain

INORMS 2025 Post-Congress Study Tour of Spain

INORMS 2025 Post-Congress Study Tour of Spain

How to overcome barriers and face challenges while embracing global change and sustainability

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Supported by INORMS

INORMS logo study tour


Event date: May 8 - 15, 2025

Locations: Madrid, Granada, Barcelona

Waiting list: Share your information here

Preliminary Agenda: It can be found here


Post-congress sudy tour of Spain

In conjunction with the INORMS Congress Madrid 2025 on May 6 - 8, 2025, EARMA has arranged a post-congress study tour to outstanding research institutions of Spain.

Participants of the INORMS Congress are invited to join the study tour for a unique opportunity to meet and share knowledge between international and Spanish colleagues.


About the Study Tour

The theme of the tour is The future of the RMA profession: how to overcome barriers and face challenges while embracing global change and sustainability. The purpose will be to meet, through partnering events and site visits, with RMA communities from different Spanish universities, research performing organisations (RPOs) and relevant stakeholders to discuss the future of the RMA profession, get a better understanding of the RMA context in a southern European country and plan joint ventures among participants. With this tour, we strive to connect the institutions in Spain and make a space for knowledge sharing that will contribute towards cross-border partnerships. We are especially proud of the route, which will be environmentally sustainable, as participants will travel between cities by train.

This will add value to your participation in the INORMS Congress and strengthen your networking with colleagues in Spanish institutions, expand existing collaborations, and laying the foundations for new friendships. It will enhance the legacy of INORMS 2025 and will give you a better understanding of the southern European research and innovation ecosystem.



The tour will consist of a minimum of ten and a maximum of eighteen delegates, plus the organisers. We aim to secure broad professional and international participation with representation from as many countries and institutions as possible. The group will be assembled to meet those requirements.


Study Tour preliminary programme May 8 - 15, 2024



  Preliminary Program 


Thursday, May 8

Friday, May 9

Saturday, May 10

 Welcome dinner

 Visit of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 

 Visit of the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC


Monday, May 12

Tuesday, May 13

 Visit of the Calar Alto Observatory

 Visit of the Instituto De Astrofisica, IAA- CSIC and AFMIF- DONES 




Wednesday, May 14



Thursday, May 15

 Visit of the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya

 Visit of the PRBB - Barcelona Biomedical Research Park 


 Visit of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

 Group recap meeting


Practical information                        

Registration fee: €2,450 + VAT

• The registration fee includes: accommodation from May 8 - 15, transportation during the site visits, transportation between the cities, breakfasts, and a welcome dinner on Thursday, May 8.

• Participants will cover their own cost for transport to and from Spain. Our starting point will be the INORMS Congress in Madrid and the last point will be Barcelona. Dinners (apart from the welcome dinner) are not included. Lunches will be provided when and if possible by the visiting institutions.

• Participants are responsible for meeting any visa requirements and insurance. 


Planning Committee

Local Organiser Coordinator: Olga Roig, CREAF

Local Organiser for Madrid: Almudena Carrero, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Local Organiser for Granada: Alicia Pelegrina, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Local Organiser for Barcelona: Cristina Borras, AGAUR

EARMA Organiser: Sara Vrban, Events & Membership Officer, EARMA

Adviser: Jan Andersen, Senior executive advisor, University of Southern Denmark, EARMA and DARMA

Adviser: Johanna Roodt, Head of Events & Member Engagement & Annual Conference Project Manager, EARMA


Any queries?

For more information, please contact Sara at