14th ERION EARMA Thematic Group event

14th ERION EARMA Thematic Group event

14th ERION EARMA Thematic Group event

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics, the Big Wave

This conference is open for registrations

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Event Date: October 30, 2024

Event time: 09:00-17:00 CEST (TBC)

Event Location: Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), Barcelona, Spain 

Event Address: C/Doctor Aiguader, 88 08003 Barcelona


About the Event

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise research in the coming years. The European approach highlights the balance between fostering AI advancements and safeguarding fundamental human rights and societal values. The EU Trustworthy AI Guidelines and the EU AI Act provide a framework for developing AI that is lawful, ethical, and robust. Our community will play a crucial role in implementing this framework and supporting researchers, ensuring research remains groundbreaking, reliable, and ethically sound.

During the morning, we will present and discuss the guidelines on ethics by design for AI with the European Commission, researchers and representatives of the CoARA's ethics and integrity working group. This event is a joint event between ERION and the PRBB Good Practice Group. In the afternoon, we will hold a closed session for the ERION community, where we will work more practically on the challenges we will face as research managers and share experiences and best practices in this field.



It will be announced soon. 


Practical Information

Participation is free of charge. Participants do not have to be EARMA members in order to participate. Registration is open until October 16, or until reaches maximum capacity.

If you register and would like to cancel your participation you may do so until October 14, for free, by contacting us at earma@earma.orgIf the participant cancels after the cancellation deadline OR no-show to the event, the participant is at risk of being blocked from registering for and attending future similar opportunities.

Participants are in charge of organising and paying for their own costs of travel and accommodation.



Registration Confirmation

You can view your event registration confirmation in your EARMA profile under the "Account" section. Please note that you must be logged in to view these details.


Travel Information

Event participants are kindly invited to consider using sustainable transportation options if possible. The train is a green alternative that provides a pleasant travel experience. Train travel is particularly practical from cities such as those listed below, all offering convenient connections to Barcelona. You can find routes for the mentioned locations, as well as other destinations, and book your tickets here.  

  • - Madrid: 02 hours 30 minutes
  • - Valencia: 03 hours 15 minutes
  • - Marseille: 04 hours 30 minutes
  • - Lyon: 05 hours
  • - Seville: 05 hours 45 minutes
  • - Paris: 06 hours 45 minutes
  • - Geneva: 08 hours 


About the EARMA ERION Thematic Group

ERION is the Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network within EARMA. It is an open community to discuss the practical and implementation side of Research Ethics and Integrity. The community is for all those that need to ensure compliance, efficiency, functionality, fairness and robustness in the practices and processes in their organisation. Such people may have titles as Ethics/Integrity Officer, Administrator and many others. You should have the role of a practitioner within your organisation. This event is NOT about Research in Ethics and Research Integrity.

The community meets two to four times per year. Topics discussed in past ERION meetings included: Horizon Europe, Open Science, GDPR implementation, training, ethics support in times of COVID-19, research evaluation, and many others. There are around 400 members in the community. More information here.



Isidoros Karatzas round

Isidoros Karatzas is the Head of the Research Ethics and Integrity Sector, European Commission (EC), DG Research & Innovation, in Brussels Belgium. He is responsible for the methodological and operational aspects of the Framework Programmes Ethics Appraisal procedure. In addition, through the Framework programme funding, he is responsible for the policy input of research projects related to research ethics and research integrity in emerging technologies, standard operating procedures to promote research ethics and research integrity and innovative methods for teaching and training in research ethics and integrity. 

Mara de Sousa Freitas

Mara de Sousa Freitas is the director of The Bioethics Institute of Universiade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Professor of Bioethics at the Católica Medical School, Coordinator of Bioethics for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of the Integrated Masters in Medicine. Member of the Department of Palliative Care at Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing - UCP. Member of the deans Board of the Portuguese Observatory of Palliative Care. Research member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS-UCP). Member of UCP's Digital Ethics Laboratory, focusing on the ethical challenges posed by the integration of digital technologies into major social domains and their impact on individuals. Chair of the UCP Health Ethics Committee. Co-Chair of CoARA-ERIP. Member of the Network for Education and Research Quality (NERQ). Integrates the Seminar of Young Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon.

Lisa Häberlein

Lisa Häberlein is a research project manager, co-team manager and social media content creator at the European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC). As workpackage leader, she is significantly involved in various EU-funded projects on RRI, RE and RI, including STRATEGIC, VERITY, ROSiE, ETHNA System and Path2Integrity. With a background in Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Ethics and Education and a strong research interest in moral concerns, she is actively involved in the departments of Medical Ethics and Human Rights at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP), and the Network of Young Ethics Experts of Medical Ethics Committees in Germany (AKEK).

Teodora Konach

Teodora Konach is a project manager and research analyst at EARMA. She is mostly involved in the EU funded projects, in the fields of research integrity and ethics. Furthermore, she is supporting EARMA’s European Network of Ethics and Research Integrity Officers (ERION). Teodora is also a researcher and trainer at the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI). Since 2019 she cooperates as an external expert and evaluator with the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency (REA), the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the Council of Europe.


Joana Porcel

Joana Porcel-Carbonell with a PhD in neuropsychology worked as neuropsychologist and researcher at Multiple Sclerosis Unit, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital of Barcelona (1996-2006). Since 2006, she works in research management for private and public organisations. Since 2016, she has been the head of the Projects Unit at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), where she also provides support to researchers on ethics and good scientific practices. In 2018, she was appointed Data Protection Officer of ISGlobal. She's also ethics advisor in European projects and ethics expert at the European Commission for the implementation, evaluation and monitoring of H2020 / Horizon Europe proposals and projects (including ERC, MSCA, HADEA, IHI, EISMEA). She is a representative member at the PRBB Good Scientific Practices Working Group (2013-) and core member of the EARMA Research Ethics and Integrity Officers Network (ERION); from Sep 2022, she is co-chairing the ERION network.


Susan Hommerson round

Susan Hommerson works as policy officer for medical device research at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In her role, she supports the organisation and researchers with the set-up of policy, SOPs and quality frameworks for medical/device research thus ensuring compliance. Furthermore, she is involved in the implementation of Research Integrity promotion plan of the Sops4RI project. With these activities, she aims to contribute to patient protection and creating ethical awareness in research, especially in the development of novel technologies such as AI and regenerative medicine. 


Maruxa Martinez-Campos round

Maruxa Martínez Campos studied biology at Barcelona University and has since moved from doing research in academia (PhD from Cambridge University, UK) to scientific publishing at a private company (Editor at Genome Biology) and back to academia, but this time doing science communication (at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, PRBB). She currently combines her work communicating science to the general public, as well as within the scientific community, with her work on research integrity (RI) and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in science.nce.e. She is currently coordinating the PRBB "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion" and the "Good Scientific Practice" working groups. She teaches Research Integrity / Bioethics to undergraduates, PhDs, and master students at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), where she is an Assistant Professor, and beyond. 


Local Organiser

Maruxa Martinez Campos, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park.

Joana Porcel Carbonell, Barcelona Institute for Global Health.


Any queries?

Don't hesitate to email earma@earma.org.