EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Go Green in R&I Project Management

Concept of green management of research and innovation projects - how to foster green innovations in organizations?


Zygmunt Krasinski



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Operations and Planning


The concept of green management of research and innovation projects has been increasingly gaining attention among RMA staff, academics, practitioners, and policymakers, although its way of adoption remains unclear. The session will address this gap by providing ways to foster green R&I project management in organizations and meet the recent requirements deriving from the Green Deal priorities and targeting the 2030 EU zero emission and OECD sustainable development goals. The project management cycle, starting from planning, through implementation and later dissemination & exploitation can and should include the sustainability aspects. These could be e.g.: actions allowing cutting the carbon footprint or limiting the digital footprint ensuring at the same time reaching the expected outcomes and impacts. Yet, so far there is neither any credible open source methodology available, nor best practices presented which could develop the capacities of the personnel responsible for the R&I i.e.: Horizon Europe project management as well ensuring the sustainability of RMA teams. During the session the concept of green management of R&I projects will be described. The results of conducted survey among RMA staff will be presented highlighting at the same time a pending need for gaining the knowledge and experience in the field. The need to increase the capacity of staff in the innovative area of the green R&I project management as well elaboration of standards for future micro-credentials will be discussed. In addition, inherent challenges to promoting green innovation in organizations will also be elaborated.