EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Your ticket towards Europe

Dutch pilot for seed funding University of Applied Sciences for better participation in European research consortia


Dr. Maren Pannemann


  • T
    Thomas Kelderman, Dutch Research Council - Taskforce for Applied Research SIA
  • A
    Adinda van Gaalen, Inholland UAS
  • M
    Dr. Maren Pannemann
  • J
    Jacques Schibler, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
  • J
    Jerke Verschoor, The Hague University of Applied Sciences


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 20 Minutes

Topic: Operations and Planning


The R&I agenda in Brussels has considerably changed focus from research and innovation (FP7 – H2020) towards more impact and mission-based programmes today (Horizon Europe). This offers new opportunities for Universities of Applied Sciences to contribute to international research collaborations. However, UAS are relatively new players on the international R&I field and still need to find their way in the complexity of European funding (see e.g., the recent publication from Marco Cavallaro). This does not only affect researchers: especially RMA staff is in the middle of a learning process and organizations are in transition towards building up efficient EU support, with the ultimate goal of strengthening international research collaboration.
In order to stimulate participation of UAS in international programs the Dutch Research Council - Taskforce for Applied Research SIA launched the pilot scheme “Towards Europe”. In 2022 and 2023 a total of 21 Dutch UAS received 1-year funding to develop and implement an organizational approach for building a European research strategy, networks and programmes.
Such a research support programme with a national scope is unique for The Netherlands, and probably beyond. The details of the programme will be presented during the session. Supported by SIA, knowledge development and exchange within the pilot takes place on national level: RMAs of the participating UAS contributed to several sessions and shared experiences and best practices during the last year. We will share learning effects and experiences with this new programme from the participating UAS point of view illustrated by 4 case studies. Cases have been selected to represent UAS with different sizes, approaches and level of experience in the development of a European research strategy: Inholland (strategy development), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (community building) , University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (professionalization and networking) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (workshops and training). Each participating UAS follows a tailor-made learning and development path. After each case study, there will be an interactive setting including online and offline methods to include feedback from the audience. We will introduce main challenges to discuss with the participants, among which:
• What support infrastructure is necessary to improve applications for European research grants?
• How to raise interest in European subsidy programs among researchers?
• What is the role of institutional top-management?
• How to involve regional stakeholders?
• How to build European networks?
• How can organizations build up internal memory and capacity instead of hiring external expertise?
Take away messages:
Participants of this session will learn more about the effect of a national seed funding programme dedicated to research support. The case studies highlight different elements of a EU research and support strategy and illustrate pathways how to organize and build up more maturity in the EU research support process. The session will be interactive: We seek to learn from and exchange with other higher education and research institutions about how they manage to stimulate their organization to look beyond their own city, region, country towards Brussels and Europe and what they need to realise these ambitions.