EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Boosting the project management competences of PIs

Boosting the project management competences of PIs:a quest towards equilibrium of research and management


Dragan Bjelica



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Leadership


In the dynamic landscape of modern academia, Principal Investigators (PIs) play a crucial role in driving contemporary research while simultaneously managing complex project components. The article delves into the imperative task of enhancing the project management proficiency of PIs, aiming to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between their research pursuits and managerial responsibilities.

The multifaceted role of PIs involves not only spearheading innovative research endeavors but also organizing diverse administrative, financial, and personnel-related tasks. Striking a balance between these domains is significant for maintaining research quality, fostering team cohesion, and ensuring optimal resource allocation. However, the intricate interplay between research and management often presents challenges that necessitate strategic intervention.

By adopting effective management frameworks, leveraging technology-driven tools, and fostering collaboration between researchers and administrators, PIs can navigate the intricate web of responsibilities more adeptly. Furthermore, mentorship and training programs tailored to the unique needs of PIs can foster the development of crucial skills in communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and time management.

The analysis also sheds light on the potential benefits that ensue from bolstering the project management components of PIs. Efficient project management not only cultivates a conducive environment for innovative research but also improves grant allocation efficiency, minimizes project delays, and augments the overall productivity of research teams. Moreover, a harmonized approach to research and management enhances the overall reputation of institutions and contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge on a global scale.

In conclusion, the article underscores the growing significance of acquiring PIs with enhanced project management proficiencies. As academia evolves, embracing a holistic approach to the multifaceted roles of PIs can pave the way for sustained research excellence and optimal resource utilization. By delving into strategies, case studies, and best practices, this analysis serves as a catalyst for discussions that can shape the future skills of research leadership.