EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Can EDI enhance the job of R&I lobbyists?

Should we lobby and influence policy on EDI? If so, how? Can EDI help us to improve our job? Policy and lobbying in the EDI space.


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


Lobbying is an important tool that can be used to raise awareness of the importance of research and innovation, and to advocate for policies that support it. We want to explore on how to enhance research and innovation lobbying, with a focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) best practices. We will begin by discussing the importance of EDI in research and innovation, outlining a number of strategies for enhancing research and innovation lobbying (e.g. (a) building relationships with policymakers, (b) developing clear and concise messages,(c) using data and evidence to support your arguments, (d) networking with other stakeholders, (e) leveraging social media, (d) measuring your results) and then include EDI best practices, such as
1. Including a diverse range of voices in your lobbying efforts
2. Addressing unconscious bias
3. Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all stakeholders
We would like to call for a more concerted effort to enhance research and innovation lobbying, with a focus on EDI best practices. By following the strategies outlined, research and innovation organizations (and their lobbyists) can make a difference in shaping the policies that support research and innovation.
This Pecha Kucha opens the discussion and aims at collecting ideas on training activities and best practices on how EDI could really help lobbyists to enhance their job and increase their impact.