EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Research Managers' roles in Portugal

Research Managers' roles in Portugal: Are they prepared for the future?


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Professional and Career Development


Research Managers' and Administrators' (RMA) roles and tasks go far beyond what is written on their contracts. Some identify themselves as science managers or project managers, others as pre- or post-award managers, depending on their focus. The diversity is clear. However, the exact roles and the extension of time dedicated to each role/task are not well known. Sometimes even to each one of them. Exploring how RMA organizes their daily work may help to empower and define the future of this profession.
Thus, to understand the reality of the RMA roles/tasks in Portugal, we launched a questionnaire among the community. This questionnaire was sent by email through the Portuguese Science Interface Platform (Plataforma de Interface da Ciência, PIC) mailing list. Additionally, based on the focus given to the University of Coimbra (UC) reality in this study, the questionnaire was also disseminated through the research centers’ managers' mailing list and the pre-and post-awards services at UC.
This knowledge will allow the community to better recognize the importance of research managers in the research and academic ecosystems. Moreover, it will also help research managers redefine their priorities and needs, adequate their training and learning curve, and empower them as professionals. The reality of the Portuguese scientific system will be also revealed. The characterization and discussion around the research managers' reality is crucial to unravel where RMA is going, and therefore what is the future of them in this changing world.