EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Broad professional and artificial

How can AI play a role in broadening and professionalising Research Management


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Topic: Professional and Career Development


In the evolving landscape of research management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful ally, poised to help elevate the role of research managers from supportive aids to valued peer partners. This abstract explores the profound implications of AI in broadening and professionalizing research management, shedding light on the challenges inherent in the traditional supportive role and the benefits of embracing a peer partnership model. Drawing inspiration from the analogy of a trusted compass, we chart a roadmap toward the utopia of research management, where acknowledgment and professionalisation flourish.

The winds of change are ushering in a new era for research managers, catalysed by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their arsenal. This transformation sees research managers shifting from a historically supportive role to a dynamic peer partnership, fundamentally altering the trajectory of their profession.

For too long, research managers have occupied the shadows, supporting researchers from behind the scenes. This supportive role often led to their contributions being overlooked or underestimated. Much like a trusted compass that guides a ship but rarely earns the accolades of the captain, research managers navigated the research voyage without the acknowledgment they truly deserved.

AI serves as the compass recalibrating the course of research management. By harnessing AI's capabilities, research managers are empowered to actively shape research strategy, optimize decision-making, and foster innovation. This transformation is akin to the compass evolving into a trusted co-captain, guiding the ship's course with precision and expertise.

AI revolutionizes research management by automating routine tasks, offering predictive analysis, optimizing grant proposals, and facilitating collaboration. For instance, CiteAI (Smith et al., 2022) aids in citation analysis, identifying influential publications, and potential collaborators, thus enriching the research landscape. Far from replacing research managers, AI augments their abilities, allowing them to focus on high-impact tasks.

Roadmap Toward the Utopia of Research Management:
The path toward the utopia of research management is illuminated by AI. It requires a commitment to AI integration, interdisciplinarity, and a culture of mutual respect between research managers and researchers. In this utopia, research managers are celebrated as indispensable partners, their expertise acknowledged and their contributions honored.

Some may argue that AI poses a threat to job security. However, AI should be viewed as an enabler, freeing research managers from mundane tasks to concentrate on strategic endeavors. Moreover, the human touch remains irreplaceable in complex decision-making.

AI is the beacon guiding research management toward a brighter future. By transitioning from a supportive aid to a peer partner, research managers harness AI's transformative potential, ushering in a new era of professionalisation and acknowledgment. Like the compass evolving into a co-captain, AI is the ally that ensures research management charts a course toward excellence.


Smith, J., Johnson, R., & Davis, M. (2022). CiteAI: An AI-powered citation analysis tool. Journal of Research Management, 42(3), 123-135.