EARMA Conference Odense 2024


RMA teams leadership for wellbeing at work

RMAs occupational wellness: building an empowered and cooperative RMAs team


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Leadership


As RMA professionals we work in a highly competitive environment such as the research landscape. Consequently, we are constantly exposed to external pressure, coming from funding entities to world leading researchers to whom we provide support. In this framework, leading and managing a team of RMAs represents an undoubtable challenge in itself. How can we deal with the not-so-uncommon lack of resources and busy calendars of RMAs in our institutions that result into occupational burnout and high turnover rates? Is there a way to guarantee occupational wellness in our profession while obtaining competitive results?

As team leaders, we need to find resources and strategies to build fruitful and cooperative teams having quality of work life. We inevitably face the challenges of helping our team members to find a balance between tight schedules and the flexibility required for last-minute or unpredictable issues, keep their motivation and become inspirational leaders. All this considering that there are no universal solutions for people management, and that a great leader needs to adapt to the different stages of the team development.

This session will focus on sharing some lessons-learned from managing a team of RMAs by changing the leadership style towards a less hierarchical model. Such leadership has relied on trust, empowerment of the team, emotional wellbeing, psychological safety and transparency that has required changing some old-fashioned dynamics of the team, starting with the personal transformation of the team leader.