EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Evolution of RM profiles in ISGlobal

Evolution of Research Managers profiles in ISGlobal


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Professional and Career Development


The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is the result of an innovative alliance between the "la Caixa" Foundation and academic and governmental institutions to contribute to the international community's efforts to address health challenges in a globalized world.
ISGlobal was created in 2010 linked to an existing research center, CRESIB (Barcelona Centre for International Health Research).
In 2015 CRESIB was merged with ISGlobal and, one year later, another research Center, CREAL, was merged, thus creating the current ISGLOBAL.

The Projects Unit serves the ISGlobal community by developing and implementing institutional and internal scientific policies and providing advice on funding opportunities and funding agencies requirements. The unit works closely with ISGlobal research teams to prepare grant submissions, including costing, management aspects, and ethical issues,
and to support funded projects regarding contracting, financial reporting and auditing.

7 years ago, at the Projects Unit we could find different profiles and job positions as Scientific Coordinators, Preaward Managers, Postaward Managers, Project Technicians who worked closely with Investigators, Project Managers and statistics.
There were few profiles that covered the whole spectrum of research management.

ISGlobal has been in continuous evolution and growth since its creation. Isglobal has grown in funding, in types of projects and in complexity.
As a result of this growth, the number of personnel working in the Projects Unit has increased, but not only in the number of FTE compared to previous years but also in job profiles linked to research management.
Nowadays, in ISGlobal you can find Scientific Coordinators, Preaward Managers, Postaward Managers, Project Technicians, as before, but you can also find Fellowships Managers, Partners Manager, Quality Coordinator, Innovation Manager, Coordinator of Strategic Planning & Institutional Projects…

Growth has brought to ISGlobal specialization: when we were smaller, people did more tasks for less projects or more superficially. In our current model, people perform less tasks but more in depth or for less projects.
This model demands more coordination between teams and forums where the information is shared or can be discussed and decisions are made.

In this poster we would like to see the evolution of the job profiles of the members in the Projects Unit and which strategies we use to share the information.