EARMA Conference Odense 2024


RMA for science diplomacy

RMA-based policymaking as an effective tool for science diplomacy


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Operations and Planning


In the realm of science diplomacy, effective collaboration and knowledge exchange across borders are imperative for addressing global challenges. Research managers and administrators (RMAs) play a pivotal role in facilitating research activities, managing resources, and nurturing interdisciplinary collaborations within their institutions. However, the potential of RMAs to contribute to science diplomacy has not yet been acknowledged and applied to its fullest extent. This presentation emphasizes the importance of:
• exploring novel approaches to science diplomacy by leveraging the expertise and networks of RMAs as catalysts for international scientific cooperation;
• harnessing the collective capabilities of RMAs to enhance science diplomacy efforts, leading to more impactful and sustainable global partnerships;
• investigating the core functions of RMAs and elucidating how these roles can be strategically employed to promote international scientific collaboration;
• fostering networks and partnerships among RMAs on an international scale for sharing best practices in knowledge transfer, capacity building, and the development of common standards and protocols to streamline cross-border research management processes.