EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Empowering citizen scientists in mental health

Deciding with you, not for you: empowering young people as citizen scientists in youth mental health research


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Open Science


Citizen science is a rapidly evolving approach central to the EU's Open Science policy priority. Actively engaging citizens in research has proven to improve its quality and impact, with the added benefit of increasing public trust in science. More importantly, it allows scientific research to align with societal needs and values, encouraging innovation and broadening research horizons.

In the realm of mental health, building trust and facilitating open, safe dialogues between citizens and researchers is crucial to foster meaningful contributions to this scientific field. Nonetheless, involving citizens, particularly young individuals, in mental health research presents challenges stemming from stigma, privacy issues, and the intricate nature of the subject. One question emerges: How can we ethically engage young citizens with mental health challenges, creating a safe, inclusive and empowering space for their active participation in research?

In Youth-GEMS, a five-year EU-funded project exploring the genetic and environmental factors impacting the mental health of individuals aged 12 to 24, young people assume a pivotal role in the research process. The project empowers a group of young adults aged 18-24, who face mental health challenges, to actively participate and co-create alongside researchers. Their lived experiences help shape the study's design and outputs, ensuring that the research direction remains attuned to the needs and values of the target audience.

In partnership with Euro Youth Mental Health, the project has established a framework that ensures regular involvement of the “young experts” while safeguarding data protection, recognizing their contributions fairly, creating a secure space for sharing experiences, and collecting feedback that feeds the study design and assesses the quality of the engagement activities.

In this poster, we focus on exploring the Youth-GEMS' framework for engaging with young people, including:
- The process through which researchers and young experts created a shared vision, outlining the guiding principles and values that underpin their collaboration.
- The project’s strategies to creating safe, ethical, and inclusive environments, fostering open dialogues between young experts and researchers.
- The activities through which young experts can contribute to decision-making, co-create with researchers, and embark on a shared learning journey.
- Examples of success cases where young experts’ insights and feedback have influenced study design and positively impacted the course of research

By sharing and reflecting upon the strategies, lessons, and successes of the past two years, we aim to provide valuable insights and enrich the discussion on the opportunities and challenges of citizen science, especially within the context of mental health research.