EARMA Conference Odense 2024


ERC 2024 - Is it a new game?

The ERC 2024 changes - Are they just cosmetic or entirely changing the grant?


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


The 2024 ERC work programme, published on July 11, 2023, introduced some technical, as well as conceptual changes, compared to previous programs. In this session, we will discuss these changes and offer RMAs a better understanding of their effects on the ERC program.

We begin with three significant changes and assess their impact:

- Where did the ‘high risk’ go? - While other hallmarks of ERC which are directly linked to the conceptual high-risk remain, the explicit expectation for high-risk was removed from the 2024 Work Program. We will address this elusive, yet potentially, conceptual change and assess its meaning.

- PI profile presentation and evaluation - According to ERC statements, more focus will be given to the evaluation of the project, unlike before. Additionally, the new template allows more flexibility in the way applicants choose to present themselves. With more emphasis on the research creativity and vision of the applicant, it appears applicants will have a stronger voice in vouching for their excellence rather than applying strict benchmarks on past achievements. As such, is it possible that these changes make ERC accessible to more creative researchers with bright, visionary ideas while relaxing expectations for objective benchmarks?

- Lump Sum funding for Advanced Grants - Lump sum grants in other funding schemes rely on completion of defined work packages and delivery of results. While the practical implementation of the lump sum model in ERC is still not clear, one wonders: Would conforming to this funding model mean changing the nature of the projects? How will this affect the academic freedom of the PIs and their ability to dynamically respond to scientific challenges and developments in their project? How would “completion” of frontier research be assessed? Would this still allow “open-ended” thinking as previously expected in ERC?

And then, we move on to review some more technical changes:

- Changes to the evaluation process and their effect
- Restrictions on resubmission

By the end of this session, RMAs will have a clear understanding of the new changes introduced by the ERC in 2024 and will be better prepared to support their applicants.