EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Valorisation of Widening research results

Valorisation of research results – how to make it successful in Widening countries?


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 20 Minutes

Topic: Operations and Planning


Valorisation of research results – how to make it successful in Widening countries?

The session will be presented in form of a panel discussion focusing over the topic of valorisation of research results in Widening countries.
The Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy launched by the European Commission sets priorities for the use of research results of Horizon Europe projects to leverage the EU investments in R&D and ultimately trigger innovation-led growth. The value should generate the impact for European society, economics, science and policymaking. The strategy foresees activities accompanying beneficiaries in the dissemination and exploitation of their research results throughout Horizon Europe, pointing out the Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence (WIDERA) as one of the key areas. Widening countries suffer many bottlenecks impacting the effective exploitation and dissemination of research results. The European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 proves the existing innovation divide with the majority of Widening countries and Outermost Regions as Emerging and Moderate Innovators, with CY and FR ORs as Strong Innovators only. Many studies confirmed as well that organisations in Widening countries suffer from insufficient skills and capacities including research management and administration like e.g.: tech transfer or IP management, poor visibility and recognition, continuous access to information and membership in excellent European networks. This is due to, among others, structural issues, underfinancing of research and admin staff, lack of experienced research managers and administrators (RMAs), and last but not least the lack of perspective and thus, culture related to D&E of research results.
The panel discussion will therefore analyse barriers and bottlenecks impacting the valorisation of research results in Widening countries. Remedy measures like the new Dissemination and Exploitation Facility providing support to organisations having research results generated directly or indirectly by Widening package projects will be discussed. The speakers will focus as well on the best practices from Czechia and Poland presenting pathways to inspire other research organisations in their efforts on successful valorisation of research results.
The results of the session will be the information provided to the participants on the new Dissemination & Exploitation Facility dedicated to support valorisation of research results in Widening countries as well as set of recommendations and practical tips, incl. RMA structures and staff in this matter.