EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Where are all the Black PIs?

Lesson from a UK project to support more African-heritage researchers to lead STEM research


Saskia Walcott


  • D
    Dr Natalie Cozier


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


Centering Black Scholarship in STEM research is a small project with big ambitions. There are systemic barriers that prevent Black (African)- heritage scholars from clearing the many hurdles to successful grant awards. The project is part of a UKRI-EPSRC-funded Fellowship held by Professor Steve Eichhorn. It intends to offer a model of how to overcome the barriers faced by Black researchers. Over 5 months, through a mix of online and in-person training and in-person events, the project aims to build capacity and skills, and importantly to also help these researchers initiate the networks - that 'soft' knowledge of how things work and who to ask, that is not taught but is so important when navigating the path to funding.

This case study is presented by Saskia Walcott, the founder of WCL (Walcott Communications Ltd) a small specialist research impact consultancy based in Bristol, UK. Saskia has worked in research for 20 years, in various roles both at funders and universities and now as an independent business working with a wide range of universities in the UK and Europe. WCL was chosen by the University of Bristol to facilitate the in-person workshops that are central to the delivery of this project and was closely involved in the preparation and planning with the project leaders.

The project culminates in March 2024 so this case study will present the project team's immediate reflections on the challenges and successes so far.

This session is for those interested in taking diversity, equity and inclusion in grant funding to another level. For many years the sector has been focused on gender; so far race and ethnicity have not benefitted from the same level of attention. This session is an opportunity to consider:

- How to recognise the systemic barriers to participation
- The different types of support required to overcome these barriers
- The challenges of creating a network
- Working with 'allies' to initiate change
- What worked well and not so well in our case.