EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Supporting Open access in RMS


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Open Science


The Open Science movement's goal is to make scientific research transparent, reproducible, and accessible to all by promoting principles for facilitating the availability of scientific research. The believe is that by making scientific results Open access it promotes collaboration in scientific research and more rigorous peer-review of those results.

It has become a practice for more and more governments and funding agencies to create policies and directives regarding the availability of scientific research and thereby a need for researchers and institutions, to publish their science results using the Open Access model. Plan S is a great example of this because it is a cross community initiative launched by institutions that are part of cOAlition S which includes the European Commission, and the European Research Council (ERC). With Plan S cOAlition S aims at full and immediate Open Access on all peer-reviewed scholarly publications from research that was funded by public or private grants.

For institutions, this increasing awareness and focus on Open access leads to a requirement of being able to monitor and report on the Open access articles and related research datasets that is published by their researchers.

For research management systems, there is therefore a requirement to help Institutions in easily managing the activities and output of their researchers. A research management system can support a number of features aimed at facilitating the discovery and monitoring of an Institution's Open Access content for instance import, showcasing, endpoints and reporting. In addition, data quality has always been an issue with RMS and considering Open access requirements often hinge on specific terminology such as licensing statements, tooling and functionality that checks data quality is very important to RMS.