EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Institutional Staff Development Schemes at HUN-REN

A vision on international development of research staff at HUN-REN by introducing new schemes within institutional administration


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Professional and Career Development


HUN-REN (The Hungarian Research Network, former ELKH-Eötvös Loránd Research Network) established in 2019 from the former research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was entrusted with the mission to operate Hungary’s publicly funded research network more efficiently with continuous emphasis on performance, transparency and excellence. An important part of this process is research staff development, particularly in developing sustainable careers and working conditions following European patterns.
The topic is of importance also at EU level, as it constitutes an important milestone in deepening the European Research Area, as it is described in the European Council Conclusions adopted on 28/05/2021 and is a priority for the currently in place European Research Area Policy Agenda (Priority No. 4 Promote Attractive and Sustainable Research Careers, Balanced Talent Circulation and International, Transdisciplinary and Intersectoral Mobility Across the ERA).
In line with these endeavours, the Secretariat of HUN-REN has recently taken the decision to develop and implement within the institutional boundaries two pilot schemes aimed at enhancing international mobility of its staff and to contribute to the support of brain circulation by attracting high ranked staff. The scope of the presentation would be to present these schemes, their management features, how different associated issues are addressed in line with the above-mentioned European frameworks, and how these were accommodated within the national legislative framework. Similarly, by the time of the EARMA conference preliminary results of implementation will be available and possibly management implications can also be detailed.
The rationale for the schemes will also be presented as similar schemes exist also in Hungary, however, based on external grant support, the main difference in this case being, that these are operated based on internal institutional management decision. These new efforts are aimed at an effective approach towards enhancing, encouraging and supporting the objective, unbiased, open-minded assessment and identification of talents. The session aims to provide an analysis of what the process consisted of and what the outcomes are in terms of institutional management.