EARMA Conference Odense 2024


National Research Portal in Focus

Making Excellence Visible and Pooling Services: A concept study for a national research portal for Austria


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances


National research portals not only make research more visible and accessible but can also foster collaboration, promote the sharing of research (meta) data, offer information services encompassing research projects and publications, increase the public awareness of science, and more. Numerous European countries already utilise research portals in a variety of ways, and this presentation explores the benefits of doing the same in Austria. The planned presentation explores possibilities to make national research and research competence accessible to a broad public while also strengthening research networks with efficient and internationally recognised measures. Two focal points of this analysis are drawing on the international experience from successful implementations on the one hand, and examining the requirements of a wide variety of target groups on the other.

National research in Austria currently receives far too little attention, although the country would like to position itself as a top research location in Europe. Research is currently disseminated through various channels, including success reports in local media, and on the websites of research institutions, departments, research groups, and projects. Universities are also required to produce annual intellectual capital statements. These include detailed descriptions of annual research achievements and metrics. However, these statements, despite being one of the few instruments requiring standardised reporting by research institutions, often exhibit varying interpretations and can be challenging for external audiences to decipher.

This challenge arises from differences in recording metadata for research output and disparities in the definition of research output itself. As a consequence, research accomplishments often experience a lack of visibility, which in turn renders it difficult to identify and locate competencies, individuals and research groups in the Austrian research landscape. Moreover, some research topics can overshadow the broader thematic expertise of Austrian research, leading to less media attention for other topics with significant achievements. As a result, Austrian research remains inadequately visible to both national and international stakeholders, causing potential research partners to seek collaboration abroad and resulting in little attention paid to national successes by the interested public, as well as businesses and politicians. Nonetheless, competition in the global research landscape intensifies, whether in securing project funding or attracting top talent. Consequently, researchers and universities across all levels expend considerable effort in gathering information and showcasing themselves in various networks, resulting in substantial administrative burdens. To address these challenges, it is imperative to make Austrian research internationally visible.

Moreover, researchers require comprehensive support throughout the entire research project lifecycle, which often exceeds individual capabilities due to resource-intensive demands. Information, services, and resources are dispersed and challenging to locate, with limited awareness of their availability. Collaborative efforts and shared resources are underutilised, primarily due to the absence of information and networking.

The RIS Synergy project is designed to tackle precisely these challenges by exploring and formulating strategies and recommendations aimed at resolving these intricate tasks. The project is a bottom-up initiative of 18 Austrian research institutions and funding organisations, pooling diverse expertise across the RMA sector. Following international examples, RIS Synergy carries out a concept study delineating the specifics, prerequisites, and functionalities of a national research portal in greater detail.