EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for RMA

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for RMA: A Game-Changing Approach or Mambo-Jambo?


Yoram Lev Yehudi


  • K
    Katrin Reschwamm


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future


This session’s abstract could look like this:
“AI presents opportunities to refine RMA tasks, from grant evaluations and project management to compliance checks and data scrutiny. The session will outline AI technologies relevant to RMA, like machine learning and natural language processing. Attendees will see practical AI applications in research management, underscoring their role in enhancing accuracy and efficiency.
However, AI's integration in RMA isn't without hurdles. We'll tackle ethical concerns, data privacy, and bias risks in AI-driven decisions, promoting a conscious AI approach in research oversight. The talk will also shed light on organizational strategies for AI adoption within RMA structures.
Emphasis will be on AI's collaborative role in research settings, highlighting partnerships between RMA experts, data specialists, and AI professionals. Case studies of AI-inspired RMA collaborations will demonstrate the gains in resource use and strategic planning.
In summary, this session offers attendees a holistic view of AI's potential in RMA, equipping them with knowledge, best practices, and a blueprint for AI incorporation in their institutions, aiming for progress and efficacy in research management.”
It's evident that this text has the hallmark of chatGPT. Given the timeframe of the conference round table, addressing all that in-depth isn't feasible. Instead, my focus will be on demystifying the myths surrounding the use of GPT in RMA tasks. After a short introduction (2 min) I'll be keen to hear the audience's opinion through shared experiences (12 min) on cases such as distilling lengthy texts, drafting documents or emails, sourcing information akin to search engines, or any other pertinent AI experiences that participants wish to share. Time permitting, I'll also share my personal encounters with the tool. Following this, I'll take a moment to reflect on the discussed anecdotes, aiming, with audience participation, to discern whether GPT's introduction to RMA is revolutionary or just incremental. In simpler terms – is it a groundbreaking shift or just hype? I wonder if conclusions might differ across various discussion tables. It'll be intriguing to observe.