EARMA Conference Odense 2024


To Chat or to cheat?

The Dilemma of Using ChatGPT to Write a Research Proposal


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future


The introduction of AI-powered language models has raised intriguing questions about their impact on traditional roles in academia and research management. This abstract delves into the confluence of human expertise and artificial intelligence, focusing on the transformative effects of ChatGPT on research proposal improvement and its broader implications for research management.
Traditionally, the enhancement of research proposals has rested on the shoulders of experts who in collaboration with researchers, refine textual content, amplify its impact, structure the narrative, and align it with the desired form and with the call guidelines. However, the emergence of ChatGPT has introduced a new paradigm, offering the ability to perform these tasks with unprecedented speed and efficiency at a significantly reduced cost. This transition prompts contemplation over the future relevance of human involvement in this process.
This presentation aims to address the pivotal question: Does the human role persist in an era where ChatGPT can accomplish similar tasks more swiftly and economically? Can ChatGPT truly replace the nuanced insights and judgment of human experts? Furthermore, the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI for research enhancement will be explored, along with a discussion on potential challenges and opportunities this technological advancement brings.
The interactive session will engage the audience in a dynamic discourse, employing ChatGPT itself to facilitate dialogue and contribute to the exploration. By delving into real-world scenarios, success stories, and potential pitfalls, the speaker seeks to establish a balanced evaluation of ChatGPT's role as both a tool for improving research proposals and a broader asset in the toolkit of a research manager.
As the academic community traverses this uncharted territory, it is essential to identify how to harness this technology to its fullest potential, effectively merging the realms of human intelligence and AI augmentation in research management.