EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Unpacking Reporting in Horizon Europe

Unpacking Reporting in Horizon Europe - A Comparative Analysis with H2020


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)


Horizon Europe aims to simplify participation and lessen administrative burdens for its beneficiaries, encompassing areas such as reporting procedures. Nonetheless, a closer look at the official documents, guides, and work programs related to Horizon Europe is essential to understand the specifics and practical implications of these simplifications. Regrettably, these changes and implications aren't consistently disseminated or structured. Many times, Coordinators and RMAs encounter the reporting details in dedicated training sessions or, even more concerningly, when the report is already due.
This session is crafted to provide an overview of the Horizon Europe project's reporting procedure, empowering seasoned RMAs to identify the contrasts with past practices. It's presupposed that attendees are acquainted with the H2020 reporting process.
In essence, this session will delve into Horizon Europe's reporting mechanisms, highlighting the shifts and departures from H2020. Some attention will also be given to the new templates introduced for executing CFS.