EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Research Funders and Diversity in Academia

Which funders use research funding as a tool to promote diversity in the research workforce?


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


As Founders of a research funding database, we collected data for over three years on which research funders offer funding opportunities dedicated to diversity in academia. We see an increasing number of funders with funding specifically for women or underrepresented groups in research setting and trends emerging among funders located in different countries.

We annotate the eligibility criteria for all research funding information housed in our database and therefore have accurate information on which funders – and where they are located globally – have dedicated funding instruments for either women or other underrepresented populations in research. Yes, many funding calls have Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statements or specifically state that these populations are encouraged to apply, but we will be presenting findings on dedicated funding schemes specifically for these populations.

This session will be interesting for Research Administrators looking for more information on supporting a diverse research workforce. Internally at Universities there are both policies and individual efforts to encourage diversity, but looking at it from the funding perspective is an important aspect of supporting a diverse workforce.

Ultimately, it is the funding brought to the university that can determine how diverse the research community is. Whether this is governmental, foundation, innovation or other types of funding, having knowledge of these global trends with diversity funding and the funding for which your researchers are eligible is key. It’s also worth considering which global funding options offer support to bring researchers from other countries to your institution.

We will share findings from our study and explore the trends coming from funders in Europe and the United States. We will also highlight some examples of diversity funding and direct attendees to resources for finding such funding.