EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Addressing Impact in bottom-up grants



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


Researchers applying for Horizon Europe are confronted with an increasingly complex Impact section in their proposals. For example, under the previous Framework Programmes the applicants for MSCA Fellowships were asked to outline the impact of the fellowship on their career. Now, in Horizon Europe, researchers have to both outline impact on their career perspectives but also discuss the expected scientific, societal and economic impact of their projects. Moreover, the impact evidenced must be specific and the project’s contribution to those impact measurable and credible.
Researchers whom we support in preparing proposals for these bottom-up funding schemes often struggle with the Impact section. For example, the applicants for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are not used to thinking about impact of their fellowship beyond the scope and the duration of the project. They can identify more easily the scientific impact of their projects but struggle in particular with identifying societal and economic impact. Since their projects must measurably and credibly contribute to the impacts, they are confronted with thinking about impact pathways, which seem to be expecting big things from these “small”, two-year, one-person projects.
How can we as RMAs support researchers applying for bottom-up grants? How do we help them define scientific, societal and economic impact, particularly in projects of basic research? And how can we help them identify estimates of the project’s contribution to the expected impacts they identify? This is not always an easy task for us, RMAs, either!
During this discussion table we would like to discuss and exchange strategies with other RMAs on:
- How researchers can best define impact in bottom-up grants (e.g. in MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowships)?
- How we as RMAs can best support researchers in this process?
- What are the best practice strategies for engaging researchers in the earlier stages of their career about impact?
This discussion table aims at peer-to-peer learning and exchange. At the end of the discussion table session, the participants will have learned from colleagues about strategies and tips for engaging successfully with researchers about impact.