EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Lessons learned in bid development support

Lessons learned from supporting academic staff new to the EU grants culture to develop internationally collaborative Horizon Europe proposals


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


Durham University employs a Senior European Funding Manager whose role is to advise and guide academics through the process of applying for Pillar 2 Horizon Europe funding. This presentation will cover the range of techniques and tools employed to support members of staff that are new to EU funding and to share how this approach has been received by those academics. It will provide examples of working with a Professor from the Arts & Humanities Faculty.
Some of the learning outcomes from this approach are:
• This is not a one size fits all approach; speak to individuals about their bid development experience and what support they would like. Agree this at the outset, but review and adjust as required.
• A brilliant academic may not be an expert bid writer; you may need to recognise and tackle the signs of imposter syndrome.
• Pillar 2 proposals are complex; your academic needs to truly work collaboratively to bring all the pieces of the proposal together.
• Do not underestimate the amount of time and effort required to prepare a robust proposal. Prepare a bid development timeline as early and possible and ensure consortium members can work to this.
• Do not overlook your institution’s internal pre-award processes: plan in time for due diligence, internal reviews etc. Develop a project outline to share with colleagues so that they are aware that your proposal is in development.