EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Public affairs new EU framework programme affairs

Public affairs: the new EU framework programme affairs as a practical example


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Topic: Professional and Career Development


External funds are essential for many universities in Europe. So, it is important to know which funds to consider, what they aim for and how to apply successfully. Public affairs activities can help better tailor the supply of external funds to the needs of your own organization. The European Commission is now working on the principles of the new research and innovation framework program 2028-2034. The opportunities for influence are rapidly diminishing as the development process approaches the 2028 start date. The quality of the internal organization is essential for the success of public affairs. Furthermore, knowledge of the process of how a new framework program is drawn up and of who from the European Commission and which stakeholders are involved. Then the skills to provide information tailored to these actors. The European Commission relies on this information to develop its programs and to create political support. Managing this information process is a profession in itself, where public affairs is a better term than lobby for the playing field. Lobbying is one of the instruments of a public affairs policy. The knowledge and contacts to influence the entire development process require the efforts of many people within and outside your own organization. If they work closely together, this can provide a lot of additional and timely information. Moreover, it creates visibility in Brussels, in your own country and within relevant sectors. Having your own institutional permanent representation in Brussels is not absolutely necessary. The information provision, lobby and presence can be organized in different ways. Tens of thousands of liaison officers, representatives and lobbyists operate in Brussels. It is difficult to distinguish yourself in this lobby crowd. This presentation takes the new framework programme as an example how to operate public affairs activities.