EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Entrepreneurship collaboration projects.

Entrepreneurship collaboration projects with companies and authorities in Estonian Maritime Academy.


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances


Estonian Maritime Academy, a structural unit of Tallinn University of Technology, provides offers comprehensive multi-level education and does conducts professional research in marine sciences and related fields related to them. It stands as the sole making it the only competence centercentre of its kind in Estonia. There are 4 higher education programmes of applied studies, two master’s and one doctoral study programme. The aim primary objective is to contribute to the development of the maritime sector in Estonia and the Baltic Sea region through applied research and innovative projects.
Maritime sector is specificdistinct, with 80% of global trade transported the world's trade is moved by sea.
In thise constantly evolving maritime sectorindustry, collaborative projects involving companies and public authorities have become a key driver for advancing progress, sustainability and safety.
Given Especially as Estonia’s is a small countrycompact size, all contacts and links are vital to the maritime industry. These synergies translate into a wide range of initiatives, from research and development projects to regulatory frameworks and infrastructure investments.
Our latest and also one of the most important collaborationcollaborations was is with the Estonian Transportation Administration on the "Methodology for analysis of alternatives for providing icebreaking services in Estonia", where the final report will be discussed in the Estonian Parliament about theconcerning the needprocurement of a new ice-breaker vessel. We look into this case study, and present the administrative process atin TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy: tender preparation of tenders,; is itthe interdisciplinary nature of procedures within the (different procedures in university),; how do we find partnerspartner acquisition,; how partners find us; intellectual property matters,; challangeschallenges faced, and potential refinements to ; how we can improve current procedures.
By forging synergies between private sector expertise and governmental oversight, the maritime industry can chart a course towards a future that is safer, more efficient, and environmentally responsible.
Collaborations between universities and companies foster a symbiotic relationship that drives innovation, talent development, and economic growth. Partnership is the force that helps bridge the gap between academic communities and the industry sector.