EARMA Conference Odense 2024


A Visual Mapping Tool

Advancing Research Management: A Visual Mapping Tool for Enhancing Efficiency and Resource Allocation for Research Managers and Administrators


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future


Research management has evolved significantly in parallel with the research itself, especially in the last 2-3 decades. This period has witnessed an increase in the complexity and competitiveness of the research system and enhanced collaboration on European and international levels, leading to a more integrated research and innovation landscape.

Concurrently, research management has seen vertical and horizontal differentiation of roles and profiles, encompassing various functions such as data management, legal support, science communication, knowledge transfer, and innovation management. Despite these advancements, the recognition of research management as a global profession varies widely across different countries, institutions and groups. The diversity of functions and specializations contributes to a fragmented image of the profession, and its significant contributions to research and development (R&D) are not evenly appreciated.

The essence of this tool is captured through its horizontal and vertical dimensions. The horizontal facet symbolizes a spectrum of research management tasks and functions. It begins on the left by supporting individual researchers in their career planning, curriculum vitae development, identification of funding opportunities, and proposal composition. It also encompasses adherence to ethics and legal prerequisites, financial oversight, safeguarding intellectual property rights (IPR), strategic stakeholder engagement, and effective communication and outreach strategies. This continuum extends towards the right, where the research outcomes generated by individual researchers or research collectives transform into tangible results, thereby achieving the intended impact. This progression involves harnessing new knowledge and making it accessible to society.

Conversely, the vertical axis delves into realizing organizational missions, policies, strategies, and operational processes. These dimensions include facilitating training and continuous professional development formulating and operationalizing institutional policies and strategies. As the vertical axis descends, it represents the essential organizational support required to manage and administer research endeavours. In contrast, its ascending direction encompasses regional, national, and supranational engagements. Embedded within these research management functions are responsibilities including, but not limited to, roles such as institutional representation, contributions to regional, national, and supranational policy and strategy formulation and implementation, contributions to capacity-building initiatives, and fostering stakeholder engagement and network building among the public, research, development (R&D), and industry stakeholders.

We have created a novel visual tool for research organizations to enhance research management efficiency and resource allocation, as well as its visibility and recognition. The tool visually represents the multifaceted dimensions of research management and their intricate interconnections. Additionally, it facilitates meaningful discussions on career development and targeted skills enhancement by offering a clear map of the complex relationships within the profession. Moreover, the tool sheds light on research management's inherent complexity and diversity, providing valuable insights into the nuanced dynamics that shape its functions.

The tool was launched in June 2023 as part of NARMA's capacity-building program and received highly positive feedback from senior research managers representing 16 research and innovation organizations., encouraging us to share the tool with colleagues throughout Europe through the EARMA conference. The tool aligns with the goal of the Research Management Roadmap project and the ERA Action 17 - Enhancing the strategic capacity of Europe's public research performing and funding organizations, emphasizing the need for a shared understanding of research management roles and profiles, competency frameworks, enhanced networking, and a bottom-up approach to professional development.